Monday, April 29, 2019

Общественное радио-Аргентина: тела 600 исчезнувших ждут идентификации

Общественное радио-Аргентина: тела 600 исчезнувших ждут идентификации

Еще одна предполагаемая жертва первого серийного убийцы Кипра найдена в чемодане | Newshub

Еще одна предполагаемая жертва первого серийного убийцы Кипра найдена в чемодане | Newshub

Не менее 3 филиппинок среди 7 жертв кипрского серийного убийцы

Не менее 3 филиппинок среди 7 жертв кипрского серийного убийцы

Attacks by White Extremists Are Growing. So Are Their Connections. - The New York Times

Attacks by White Extremists Are Growing. So Are Their Connections. - The New York Times

Проверка терроризма: требуется эффективная разведка | времена Гималаев

Проверка терроризма: требуется эффективная разведка | времена Гималаев

Checking terrorism: Efficient intelligence required | The Himalayan Times

Checking terrorism: Efficient intelligence required | The Himalayan Times

Сирия: Запад практикует экономический "терроризм" против Дамаска -

Сирия: Запад практикует экономический "терроризм" против Дамаска -

Declassified U.S. Documents Reveal Details About Argentina’s Dictatorship - The New York Times

Declassified U.S. Documents Reveal Details About Argentina’s Dictatorship - The New York Times

Семь человек застрелены возле церкви в Балтиморе | Daily Mail Online

Семь человек застрелены возле церкви в Балтиморе | Daily Mail Online

Frenchman accused of smuggling cocaine into Sydney claims strangers in Mexico asked him to do it | Daily Mail Online

Frenchman accused of smuggling cocaine into Sydney claims strangers in Mexico asked him to do it | Daily Mail Online

Frenchman accused of smuggling cocaine into Sydney claims strangers in Mexico asked him to do it | Daily Mail Online

Frenchman accused of smuggling cocaine into Sydney claims strangers in Mexico asked him to do it | Daily Mail Online

Экс-сотрудник ЦРУ говорит, что некоторые видеозаписи пыток могут все еще существовать

Экс-сотрудник ЦРУ говорит, что некоторые видеозаписи пыток могут все еще существовать

Секретная панель может поставить американцев в список убийц " - Reuters

Секретная панель может поставить американцев в список убийц " - Reuters

Миллиардер Питер Тиль строит паническую комнату в своем доме в Новой Зеландии | Business Insider

Миллиардер Питер Тиль строит паническую комнату в своем доме в Новой Зеландии | Business Insider

Омбудсмен обнародовал расходы на оборону на шпионское программное обеспечение - NZ Herald

Омбудсмен обнародовал расходы на оборону на шпионское программное обеспечение - NZ Herald

Секретный костюм призрака Питера Тиля Palantir имеет финансовые утечки - NZ Herald

Секретный костюм призрака Питера Тиля Palantir имеет финансовые утечки - NZ Herald

Питер Тиль не тот друг в высоких местах, который нужен NZ |

Питер Тиль не тот друг в высоких местах, который нужен NZ |

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Facebook миллиардер Питер Тиль гражданин киви, владеет Wanaka estate - NZ Herald

Facebook миллиардер Питер Тиль гражданин киви, владеет Wanaka estate - NZ Herald

Palantir Technologies: "стартап при поддержке ЦРУ" - Всемирный социалистический веб-сайт

Palantir Technologies: "стартап при поддержке ЦРУ" - Всемирный социалистический веб-сайт

Palantir Technologies: "стартап при поддержке ЦРУ" - Всемирный социалистический веб-сайт

Palantir Technologies: "стартап при поддержке ЦРУ" - Всемирный социалистический веб-сайт

Миллиардер Питер Тиль раскрыл секретные шпионские связи киви - NZ Herald

Миллиардер Питер Тиль раскрыл секретные шпионские связи киви - NZ Herald

Billionaire Peter Thiel's secret Kiwi spy links revealed - NZ Herald

Billionaire Peter Thiel's secret Kiwi spy links revealed - NZ Herald

NZ Defence Force раскрыла связи с софтверной компанией Питера Тиля - NZ Herald

NZ Defence Force раскрыла связи с софтверной компанией Питера Тиля - NZ Herald

Бум вакансий в сфере кибербезопасности, сокращение пула соискателей в США - IEEE Spectrum

Бум вакансий в сфере кибербезопасности, сокращение пула соискателей в США - IEEE Spectrum

Motorola Officially Announces Android 8.0 Oreo Update for Supported Devices [Full List] : Tech : iTech Post

Motorola Officially Announces Android 8.0 Oreo Update for Supported Devices [Full List] : Tech : iTech Post

Как ЦРУ сделало Google

Как ЦРУ сделало Google

Как ЦРУ сделало Google

Как ЦРУ сделало Google

Военно-технологический комплекс: как армия США работает с гражданскими технологиями >

Военно-технологический комплекс: как армия США работает с гражданскими технологиями >

Арктическая политика Китая и ее потенциальное влияние на Арктическую безопасность Канады

Арктическая политика Китая и ее потенциальное влияние на Арктическую безопасность Канады

China’s Arctic Policy and its Potential Impact on Canada’s Arctic Security

China’s Arctic Policy and its Potential Impact on Canada’s Arctic Security

China’s Arctic Policy and its Potential Impact on Canada’s Arctic Security

China’s Arctic Policy and its Potential Impact on Canada’s Arctic Security: China’s Arctic Policy and its Potential Impact on Canada’s Arctic Security -

Operation Eminent Shield: The Advent of Unmanned Distributed Maritime Operations

Operation Eminent Shield: The Advent of Unmanned Distributed Maritime Operations

Операция Eminent Shield: появление беспилотных распределенных морских операций

Операция Eminent Shield: появление беспилотных распределенных морских операций

Военно-морской флот Канады интегрирует системы дополненной реальности

Военно-морской флот Канады интегрирует системы дополненной реальности

Агентство космического развития огромная победа Гриффина в его войне против статус-кво -

Агентство космического развития огромная победа Гриффина в его войне против статус-кво -

"Черный" бюджет Вооруженных сил США = 2-й по величине военный на Земле • The Register

"Черный" бюджет Вооруженных сил США = 2-й по величине военный на Земле • The Register: "Черный" бюджет Вооруженных сил США = 2-й по величине военный на Земле • The Register -

Военные "плащи-невидимки" могут нарушить Женевские конвенции | наука | The Guardian

Военные "плащи-невидимки" могут нарушить Женевские конвенции | наука | The Guardian

Военные "плащи-невидимки" могут нарушить Женевские конвенции | наука | The Guardian

Военные "плащи-невидимки" могут нарушить Женевские конвенции | наука | The Guardian

US finally set to receive a new heavy icebreaker as Russia and China extend their lead in the Arctic | NEWSREP

US finally set to receive a new heavy icebreaker as Russia and China extend their lead in the Arctic | NEWSREP

US finally set to receive a new heavy icebreaker as Russia and China extend their lead in the Arctic | NEWSREP

US finally set to receive a new heavy icebreaker as Russia and China extend their lead in the Arctic | NEWSREP

Cold War-era 'Assault Breaker' program revived with aim to decimate advancing Russian or Chinese forces | NEWSREP

Cold War-era 'Assault Breaker' program revived with aim to decimate advancing Russian or Chinese forces | NEWSREP

Cold War-era 'Assault Breaker' program revived with aim to decimate advancing Russian or Chinese forces | NEWSREP

Cold War-era 'Assault Breaker' program revived with aim to decimate advancing Russian or Chinese forces | NEWSREP

Программа "штурмовик" времен холодной войны возродилась с целью уничтожения наступающих российских или китайских войск | NEWSREP

Программа "штурмовик" времен холодной войны возродилась с целью уничтожения наступающих российских или китайских войск | NEWSREP

Шри-Ланка 'bombing mastermind' named as Moulvi Zahran Hashmi

Шри-Ланка 'bombing mastermind' named as Moulvi Zahran Hashmi

Шри-Ланка 'bombing mastermind' named as Moulvi Zahran Hashmi

Шри-Ланка 'bombing mastermind' named as Moulvi Zahran Hashmi

'Radical' Muslim convert happy for police to do 'due diligence' |

'Radical' Muslim convert happy for police to do 'due diligence' | 'Radical' Muslim convert happy for police to do 'due diligence' | -

Полиция карабкается, чтобы безопасно хранить все оружие, сдаваемое в | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Полиция карабкается, чтобы безопасно хранить все оружие, сдаваемое в | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Полиция карабкается, чтобы безопасно хранить все оружие, сдаваемое в | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Полиция карабкается, чтобы безопасно хранить все оружие, сдаваемое в | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Полиция карабкается, чтобы безопасно хранить все оружие, сдаваемое в | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Полиция карабкается, чтобы безопасно хранить все оружие, сдаваемое в | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Дело серийного убийцы на Кипре: тело в чемодане вытащили из озера - NZ Herald

Дело серийного убийцы на Кипре: тело в чемодане вытащили из озера - NZ Herald

Cyprus serial killer case: Body in suitcase pulled from lake - NZ Herald

Cyprus serial killer case: Body in suitcase pulled from lake - NZ Herald

Spain election: Socialists win amid far-right breakthrough - BBC News

Spain election: Socialists win amid far-right breakthrough - BBC News

Maria Butina: Putin 'outraged' at sentencing of Russian spy - BBC News

Maria Butina: Putin 'outraged' at sentencing of Russian spy - BBC News

Мария Бутина: Путин "возмутился" приговором российского шпиона - новости Би-би-си

Мария Бутина: Путин "возмутился" приговором российского шпиона - новости Би-би-си: Мария Бутина: Путин "возмутился" приговором российского шпиона - новости Би-би-си -

Апрель 2019: насильственные преступления ужасов

Апрель 2019: насильственные преступления ужасов

Violent horror crimes

Violent horror crimes

Enemies with government jobs, they should not have in Christchurch New Zealand. Threatening horror violent crimes against me. Nasty lies and slander, using fraud emails, as excuses to get away with horror violent crimes and be above the law. Kidnapping, torture, as bad as Guantanamo, to obliterate basic human rights and theft years of my research and writing work. Trafficking and forced associations with their Nazi pawn gang mates, who I dont know. They are not interested in me either. I dont write about them. Invasions of privacy as illegal electronic warfare equipment, used to target and threaten me. A Nazi neo war criminal bitch uses this weapon against me here today.These are real laws, real crimes and real victims. Repeating nasty dehumanizing lies and slander over and over again, will not allow them to be above the law. These vegetable treatment tortures would also prevent anyone,  from reading religious texts and writing memoirs, obliterate basic human rights completely. The vegetable treatment. Political punishments of the worst kind, with nasty lies and hate thrown in.

Forcing, totally against my will, into a forced association, would make me a slave, political prisoner and torture victim of the Nazi movement in plain sight in Christchurch. Theft of my life, a big fraud scam. No say in my own life. Lied about and lied to. These are crimes that these people should be charged with and arrested for. No amount of nasty lies can change that. No to kidnapping, torture, trafficking and fraud. No to slavery, invasions of privacy and corruption. No to agenda pushing Nazi extremists. ive been calling for far right Nazi extremists to be banned from NZ government jobs. They got revenge on me for that. They are threatening now, the fraud Yahoo email with the breakdown message repeated over and over, Threats to lie like thats an excuse to torture me and obliterate my basic human rights. No way will they do violent crimes like that. Real laws, real crimes and real victims. There nasty lies and sander will get them nowhere. I am not crazy. No doubt. I dont want to be a Nazi.

The extreme horrors they threaten now are totally illegal. They should be arrested and charged with the crimes they do and threaten to do. Threats to torture and give blood money. The blood money woud be thrown back in their face. Its an insult and deception. The chains are still in place, still illegally banned from working, volunteering and further education. So many things and communications cut off.

A few lies and slander, repeating the word breakdown, from the fraud Yahoo email, over and over again. Will not allow them to do horror crimes like this. I dont write about their Nazi gang mates and I have no tatoos. The punishment to force me into a political prisoner situation is political violence. It wont happen.

I read, write and research history. This is not a crime. Tolerance not torture is whats wanted. They are not above the law. Corruption is rampant  in Christchurch New Zealand. These threats are toxic, cruel, violent and unacceptable. I dont want to be a Nazi. Im not interested in their Nazi movement. Its my life and my work, they have no right to prevent me from getting on with my life. Playing the Nazi or playing the doctor is unacceptable.

Im calling for far right Nazi extremists to be banned from New Zealand government jobs. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail , for NZ war criminals. They get revenge on me coz of this. I am not crazy, No doubt. I am not their slave. They have no right. Its ,my life and my work, they have no right to prevent me from getting on with it. I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. They call me a crazy whore, and use their lies as excuses to threaten violent crimes. They are not above th law.

ЕС голосует за создание гигантской базы биометрических данных | ZDNet

ЕС голосует за создание гигантской базы биометрических данных | ZDNet

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Shot rabbi at US synagogue had publicly condemned Christchurch attack | Newshub

Shot rabbi at US synagogue had publicly condemned Christchurch attack | Newshub

Подозреваемый в стрельбе в синагоге Сан-Диего в "манифесте" - Mirror Online

Подозреваемый в стрельбе в синагоге Сан-Диего в "манифесте" - Mirror Online

Iranian drone reportedly films close-up shots of US aircraft carrier… and gets away with it (VIDEO) — RT World News

Iranian drone reportedly films close-up shots of US aircraft carrier… and gets away with it (VIDEO) — RT World News

Калифорнийский синагога боевик возможный подозреваемый в поджоге мечети, связанный с манифестом в стиле Крайстчерч — RT Новости США

Калифорнийский синагога боевик возможный подозреваемый в поджоге мечети, связанный с манифестом в стиле Крайстчерч — RT Новости США

Стрельба в синагоге Сан-Диего: подозреваемый Джон Эрнест "похвалил стрелка из Крайстчерча" перед смертельным нападением

Стрельба в синагоге Сан-Диего: подозреваемый Джон Эрнест "похвалил стрелка из Крайстчерча" перед смертельным нападением

Стрелок из синагоги в Сан-Диего "похвалил" боевика из мечетей Крайстчерча онлайн | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Стрелок из синагоги в Сан-Диего "похвалил" боевика из мечетей Крайстчерча онлайн | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Сообщается, что стрельба в синагоге в США связана с терактом в Крайстчерче в преддверии выборов

Сообщается, что стрельба в синагоге в США связана с терактом в Крайстчерче в преддверии выборов

On New Zealand and Dehumanization –

On New Zealand and Dehumanization –

О Новой Зеландии и дегуманизации –

О Новой Зеландии и дегуманизации –

Обратный ход Трампа по жертвам среди гражданского населения-Consortiumnews

Обратный ход Трампа по жертвам среди гражданского населения-Consortiumnews

Уродливый призрак пыток и лжи-Consortiumnews

Уродливый призрак пыток и лжи-Consortiumnews

The Ugly Specter of Torture and Lies – Consortiumnews

The Ugly Specter of Torture and Lies – Consortiumnews

Лицемерие США в отношении " прав человека – - Consortiumnews

Лицемерие США в отношении " прав человека – - Consortiumnews

Просьба о предоставлении информации о похищенных сотрудниках / МККК

Просьба о предоставлении информации о похищенных сотрудниках / МККК

Борьба с пытками: кто такие мучители? / Международный Комитет Красного Креста

Борьба с пытками: кто такие мучители? / Международный Комитет Красного Креста

Tackling torture: Who are the torturers? | International Committee of the Red Cross

Tackling torture: Who are the torturers? | International Committee of the Red Cross

Трамп угрожает развязать военизированное насилие в США

Трамп угрожает развязать военизированное насилие в США

Former Zimbabwe secret police officer who murdered for Robert Mugabe stuck in limbo in NZ |

Former Zimbabwe secret police officer who murdered for Robert Mugabe stuck in limbo in NZ |

Бывший сотрудник секретной полиции Зимбабве, который убил Роберта Мугабе, застрял в лимбе в NZ /

Бывший сотрудник секретной полиции Зимбабве, который убил Роберта Мугабе, застрял в лимбе в NZ /

'Project Medication:' How the CIA considered possible 'truth serum' for terror suspects - NZ Herald

'Project Medication:' How the CIA considered possible 'truth serum' for terror suspects - NZ Herald

Стрельба в синагоге США: один человек погиб в Калифорнии | Новости RNZ

Стрельба в синагоге США: один человек погиб в Калифорнии | Новости RNZ

Christchurch attacks: Secret police watch list revealed | Otago Daily Times Online News

Christchurch attacks: Secret police watch list revealed | Otago Daily Times Online News

Иранский диктор новостей теперь за рулем Uber в Окленде /

Иранский диктор новостей теперь за рулем Uber в Окленде /

April 2019: Basic human rights 2

April 2019: Basic human rights 2

Апрель 2019: основные права человека 2

Апрель 2019: основные права человека 2

Basic human rights 2

Basic human rights 2

Its a basic human right to read, write and communicate. Deliberately obliterating these basic human rights for political reasons is a crime. Those with government jobs are not above the law. Ive been qualified as a journalist since 1990. Im a member of the Internet party. I read, write, research and blog a lot. Political enemies, far right, extremist Nazi types, target these basic human rights. They abuse power and threaten violent crimes. Always looking for an excuse to get away with violent crime and be above the law. Ive recently been threatened with torture, as extreme as what they do at Guantanamo. Im trying to take out charges against these nameless government workers, who are behind these violent, fate worse than death, threats.

These enemies are compulsive liars, they de humanize, discredit and de civilianize people, to get above the law and cover up their crimes and their mates crimes. Political violence in the extreme. Ive been calling for far right extremist Nazi types to be banned from NZ government jobs. They got revenge on me in a big way. I was ripped out of my home, with the help of a ID theft fraud Yahoo email, using the word breakdown, backed by Google. Google banned me from removing this ID theft fraud Yahoo email, which is run by my worst enemies. Nothing to do with me. Its deceptive. Lies from this fraud are not an excuse to do violent crimes, like kidnap, torture, trafficking or forced associations. Forget that. Its politically motivated hate crimes. You could call the lies and slander hate speech. They repeat this over and over, to try and provide an alternative to the truth. Ive never in my 50 plus years experienced a worse robbery theft than this. Then they deliberately ban me from getting another home, stalk and harrased me and those around me, horrific nasty, a form of kidnapping, trafficking and enslavement. Im not their slave. Slavery is illegal. Robbery is illegal.

These corrupt cops say, the years of my writing and research they stole, is just old news. So if its not worth money or anything to them, why steal it then?  I went from a house full to a van full of possessions, most was stolen before i left the flat. To prevent me grabbing important things. Having a home has always been a priority. Its easy to get a flat or a job. These corrupt, abuse of power creeps, illegally ban me from working, volunteering, further education, having a mobile number, so they can fraud my internet sites, and ban me from complaining properly about it. Corruption inc.

Facts, truth proof and evidence are still important to most people. Enemies also use illegal American electronic warfare equipment in Christchurch, to target victims, including me, to try and cover up their mates crimes. To invade privacy, harrass, terrorize and cause as much trouble as they can. 
Crimes they do include, kidnapping, torture, trafficking, forced associations marriages, invasions of privacy, thefts, robberies, stalking, abuse of power, hacking other government files, lies in files, victim blaming, ID theft fraud, False accusations, compulsive lying and slandering, extreme bullying and extreme victim blaming.

Its inhuman sadistic horror, to prevent me from getting on with my life. Its my life and my work, they have no right.  Kidnapping and  torture, which is called the vegetable treatment, it deliberately prevents you from reading and writing and makes you feel like hell. Obliteration of basic human rights. They may as well call for schools and libraries to be banned in Christchurch. The laws to be abolished, so they can get away with their horror crimes and be above the law. They try and force, to the point of death, into horror unwilling forced association marriages. All you want to do is stay alive, get your life back, your basic human rights back, your in a limbo state. Its not a relationship or a job. Victims are not workers. Minimum wage zero is not the minimum wage. These crimes are horror. Then they blame you and say oh so willing, and try to use it as another excuse to target and attack you again. The people who do these crimes, are far right, extremist Nazi types with government jobs they should not have.

They say to me, you are just a wanna be human being, you dont qualify for human rights. We are Nazis. We dont recognise you as a human being, we are Nazis. If you are not a Nazi like us and dont support our Nazi movement, they you are crazy, and tortureable. I am not crazy. I have no doubt. Enemy lies are not an excuse to torture anyone and obliterate their basic human rights. Turning people into vegetables for political reasons is another crime these far right, Nazi extremist  types do. Horror movie stuff. Thats why I called New Zealand Horrorwood, similar to American Hollywood or Indian Bollywood. That was before the Christchurch mosque attacks, its even more of a Horrorwood now. No means no. I dont want to be a Nazi and I dont support your Nazi movement. I dont work for you, you have enslaved and kidnapped me, stolen my writing and research. Do your own research. Nazi service is the Gestapo. Under NZ law, slavery is illegal. No one is interested in people who are totally unwilling, its not a service to anyone. Neither is framing people up, coz you dont like their politics. a service to anyone. Their policy is, do the crimes, deny it and blame victims forever and ever. Even after someone is charged and confessed. They still blame the victims. Like lies, they repeat the lies over and over, even after the lies have been proven to be lies. That means nothing to them. They continue to repeat the lies and slander. They are compulsive liars. They are worse than ISIS. Who claim responsibility for their crimes.

A NZ war criminal bitch is using illegal American electronic warfare equipment to target victims of their mates crimes, try and brainwash them, not a shred of privacy, hate, lies and threats of more horror crimes. These sadists are not above the law. They will be charged with their crimes, threatening to torture people, because you dont like their politics, its a crime and they will be charged with that crime. They can expain themselves to a judge in a court. Stop threatening to obliterate the basic human rights of others. Its my life, and my work and im going to get on with my life and these vicious political enemies are not going to prevent me or torture me. They have no right. These political enemies will be charged with the crimes they do and threaten to do. They can stop the crimes. I am not crazy. no doubt, its a dirty lie spread by nasty political enemies to de humanize, discredit, de civilianize,  and try to ruin people lives, because they dont like your politics. I dont like their politics either, but ive much better things to do, than lie, slander and threaten them.

Real laws, real crimes and real victims. You dont have to be a lawyer to work that out. Im going to get on with my life, and my work and these political enemies are not going to stop me, they will be charged with crimes they do and threaten to do. They are not above the law. Bypass the corrupt cops and their pawns. Charge these sadists some other way.

The threats to kidnap, torture, traffick, forced into associations, marriage, will not happen. Never. No way will those horror crimes happen. These far right extremist Nazi types with government jobs will be charged with the crimes they are doing and are threatening to do,  lose their jobs so they cant carry out the horror crimes. Sadistic crimes against humanity. The truth is the truth. If they cant handle it, thats their problem, they should not have done the politically motivated hate crimes in the first place.
I have up being a victim of their horror. They will never do those crimes again. Ive been calling for far right extremist Nazi types to be banned from NZ government jobs. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail, to be for NZ war criminals. Victims are not workers. Minimum wage zero is not the new minimum wage. Victims are not willing and they are not crazy either. I dont want to be a Nazi. I dont support the Nazi movement. Agenda pushing government workers who only recognise Nazi laws, should resign.

Now these enemies are still threatening to obliterate my basic human rights, torture me as bad as Guantanamo. Lies and slander, victim blaming fraud. Rape slavery trafficking is a crime, its not a job or a business. The people who do these crimes have government jobs, they should not have, the same far right extremeist Nazi type political orientation. Victims are not workers. If people have been the victims of crime, then they should not be prevented from enjoying their basic human rights. They should not be prevented from getting on with their life and the work. These sadists have no right to threaten to torture anyone, they cant coverup their crimes or their mates crime like that. They will be charged and can explain themselves to a judge in a court. The extreme victim blaming has to stop. They will never do those crimes again. No way. Horror crimes. A fate worse than death. Its kinder and more humane  to shoot someone than it is to torture them with the vegetable treatment, coz you dont like their politics, what they read, write and research. The vegetable treatment means your completely unable to read, write or communicate and this is an obliteration of basic human rights, which is illegal, its a crime to do this to anyone. No way will these enemies ever do those crimes ever again.

Then they try and force you to the point of death, totally unwilling, into a horror situation with their Nazi pawn gang mates. i dont write about your gang mates, they are not interested in me, this is deliberate, nasty political violence. Its illegal and they will be charged with the crimes they do and threaten to do. You become a slave, prisoner and torture victim to these Nazi enemies. In plain sight in Christchurch. No say in your own life, no human rights. No life. I do not want to be a Nazi. People are human beings with human rights. These Nazis dont think so. Horrific nasty crimes, like what these sadists do, must be stopped. These crimes are illegal, unacceptable and charges will be laid in future. As many charges as possible. It is illegal to threaten to torture someone like this. Its inhuman, sadistic and a war crime. Crimes against humanity. Its my life and my work and they have no right to prevent me from getting on with it. No invasion of privacy with American illegal electronic equipment, no threats and lies will stop me. These are politically motivated hate crimes and they can explain themselves to a judge in a court.

The gap between minimum wage zero and welfare is huge, equivalent to a million dollars. Victims are not workers. Banning people from welfare, working and volunteering, is a crime. Abuse of power. they are not above the law. Obliterating peoples basic human rights, coz you dont like their politics, is a crime, get some tolerance, Torture wont replace tolerance. Bullying wont replace voting.

The tortures wont happen. Its my life and my work, these sadistic Nazi creeps wont stop me getting on with my life. They have no right. I am not crazy. No doubt. Enemies just lie and slander too much.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Butina's sentence 'criminalizes what thousands of international students abroad do' — RT World News

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Amid U.S. Silence, Gulf Nations Back the Military in Sudan’s Revolution – The New York Times – Dec 2018

Amid U.S. Silence, Gulf Nations Back the Military in Sudan’s Revolution – The New York Times – Dec 2018

Как американские военные проиграли опиумную войну в Афганистане - BBC News

Как американские военные проиграли опиумную войну в Афганистане - BBC News

How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost - BBC News

How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost - BBC News

Ракетный отчет: секретная пусковая установка CIA smallsat, испытание Falcon 9, Союз проходит 50 / Ars Technica

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Rocket Report: Secret CIA smallsat launcher, Falcon 9 test, Soyuz passes 50 | Ars Technica

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House Opens Inquiry Into Proposed U.S. Nuclear Venture in Saudi Arabia - The New York Times

House Opens Inquiry Into Proposed U.S. Nuclear Venture in Saudi Arabia - The New York Times

Хаус начал расследование предполагаемого ядерного предприятия США в Саудовской Аравии - The New York Times

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CIA could be planning billions in cloud contracts, open bidding beyond just AWS - DCD

CIA could be planning billions in cloud contracts, open bidding beyond just AWS - DCD

CIA может планировать миллиарды в облачных контрактах, открытых торгах за пределами только AWS-DCD

CIA может планировать миллиарды в облачных контрактах, открытых торгах за пределами только AWS-DCD

April 2019: Sri Lanka 1400 to 2017 research

April 2019: Sri Lanka 1400 to 2017 research: April 2019: Sri Lanka 1400 to 2017 research -

Апрель 2019: Шри-Ланка 1400 до 2017 исследования

Апрель 2019: Шри-Ланка 1400 до 2017 исследования

Sri Lanka 1400 to 2017 research

Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

1410-1411 - Shipwreck. South China Morning Post. 4 Nov 2017. Stephen Chen. Hunt for the Ming dynasty Admiral Zheng He, lost treasure ship. Indian ocean off the coast of Sri Lanka. A massive vessel sank 600 years ago. Treasure ship with gold, gems and artefacts sank to the bottom of the ocean. A fleet of Chinese Admiral Zheng He. Chinese treasure ships.

1708 - G+. al Jazeera. 11 April 2017. The story of Hendala leprosy hospital, built in 1708. Sri Lanka's oldest leprosy hospital.

13 Nov 1781 – British troops occupied Negapatam Ceylon, now called Sri Lanka. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 13 Nov 2015).

1820-40 – Surviving archives, the national register of archives database. Documented a large number of slaves, on illegal vessels, many of the slaves were children. Ceylon tea plantation graves. (Who do you think you are. Sept 2013. UK. p32).

1890 - Thomas Lipton from Glasgow. Lipton went to Ceylon Sri Lanka. Scotsman James Taylor from Kincardinesha. Tea plantations in Ceylon, London Tea. Ceylon estates, tea was grown, gathered, shipped and packed under Liptons control, Lipton yellow label. (Who do you think you are mag. June 2016).

July 1916 - The Diary of Australian soldier William Barry in Sri Lanka, Egypt and France. A POW in the battle of Fromelles in July 1916. POW Madan Akhan, a Hindu officer from India and Ronald Ondatji from Sri Lanka. (History today. Dec 2015).

1924-49 - CL Pujitha. Gunawardana. Colombo. Nugegoda Sri Lanka. Permua 1990.

1925 - Telegraph cables were laid under oceans. The British tapped and monitored the cables from the mid 1920s. Govt code and cypher school. Cable and wireless company, cables monitored. Edward Tavis intercepts in New Zealand and Canada. Codebreakers. Cypher base at HMS Anderson in Colombo Sri Lanka. Y services for wireless, morse code, encrypted telegraph. (Sinclair McKay. The spies of winter 2016).

1945 - Hugh Alexander spent two months at the codebreaking center in Colombo Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon. Bamboo roof cryptological. (Sinclair McKay. The spies of winter 2016).

Sept 1945 - Japanese bombing attack on the base of HMS Anderson in Colombo Ceylon/Sri Lanka. HMS Anderson was still in Burma after the Japanese Sept 1945 attack, huts, palm roofs. Tall radio transmitters, British wren Jean Valentine. Breaking Japanese codes. Tea plantations, teleprinters. Laurence Roberts. Microwave transmitters. Clive Rooke. Codebreakers went to Burma/Myanmar. 1947 as India got Independence. (Sinclair McKay. The spies of winter. 2016).

10 February 1948 – The opening of Sri Lanka’s first parliament, six days after independence from the UK. Sri Lanka was then called Ceylon. Sri Lanka since 1972. (Empires children. ©2009 Anton Gill).

Late 1950s - Late 1945 Commander Travis, second deputy capt Edward Hastings. India intel. Listening station, interception, intel radio wireless operators. Morse code. Late 1950s Alan Sillitoe. Fuel rationing during the British winter. Sillitoe was in Colombo Sri Lanka. HMS Anderson, 18 years old, Malaya rubber trees, earphones, jungle. Intercepting messages, morse code. Rangoon, Singapore, Saigon Vietnam, Karachi Pakistan, Hong Kong and Bangkok Thailand, transmitters. (Sinclair McKay. The spies of winter. 2016).

Dec 1956 – GCHQ was just opening a large secret SIGINT station covering the Indian ocean. At Perkar in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), worth 2 billion pounds. Ceylon PM was Solomon Bandaranaike. It was a vast aerial farm covering more than 400 acres. (GCHQ. Richard J Aldrich ©2010 UK).

1981 – Sinhalese burned the Tamil library of Jaffna in Sri Lanka. Destroying one of south Asia's great repositries of culture and history. Manuscripts, palm leaf scrolls and books. (Archives power. Randall C Jimerson (c)2009 US).

1983-2009 – The UN asked the Sri Lankan government to act on missing people. Disappearances from the civil war, the government and LTTE. More than 16,000 missing people. Reuters. 19 Nov 2015.

6 Oct 1989  - Death squads beheaded 18 people in Sri Lankan massacre. Globe and mail. Toronto Canada. Global issues in context.

31 January 1996 – Tamil Tigers attacked members of the Liberation tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE, rammed an explosives laden truck into the central bank in Colombo Sri Lanka, killing 90 civilians and injuring more than 1,400 others, including 2 US citizens.

1998 – Sri Lankan New Year plate. (Trade me NZ. Antiques cultural ethnic. 7 April 2016. Auckland $10).

26 Dec 2004 – A 9.2 earthquake and tsunami. (Zee news. 11 Sept 2014).

12 August 2005 – In Colombo, suspected Tamil Tigers assassinated the Sri Lankan foreign minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar.

Late 2006 – Wikipedia. List of people who disappeared mysteriously. Thiruchzlvam Nihl Jim Brown age 34. A Sri Lankan Tamil Catholic priest. Motorbike in Allaipiddy. Armed men, a forced disappearance.

4 August 2006 – Battle rages between Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government. At least 22,000 people have been displaced. 10 civilians were killed by an artillery shell. Monitors are leaving and residents are being shelled on both sides. BBC TV

8 August 2006 – Car bomb kills 2 in Sri Lanka Colombo by Anjana Pasricha New Delhi India. VOA.

10 August 2006 – Heavy fighting and many people displaced. VOA. Patricia Nunan. New Delhi India.

12 August 2006 – Sri Lankan peace coordinator assassinated. VOA. AP. AFP. Reuters.

11 September 2006 – Bomb hidden with dead body explodes in Sri Lanka 6 wounded.

17 September 2006 – Claymore explosion injures 4 in Thampalakamam.

9 October 2006 – Tamil party warns of all out war if the government troops attack rebel territory.

12 October 2006 – Vehicle bomb kills three in Sri Lanka, bomb exploded inside a passenger van in northern Sri Lanka killing the driver and two others.

18 October 2006 – 100 Sri Lankan navy sailors killed in largest Tamil rebel attack since 2002. A suicide bombing on a navy convoy in north central Sri Lanka.

9 November 2006 – Suspected Sri Lankan rebels kill a security guard in a raid, military finds powerful bomb.

15 November 2006 – Sri Lankan military suspected rebel bomb killing soldier.

19 November 2006 – Bomb blast and gunfire kill 8 in N Sri Lanka.

27 November 2006 – Major attack in Colombo recovered seven Claymore mines and 10kg explosives, reportedly from the suburbs of Colombo. A suspected suicide bomber was also taken into custody by the army. A parcel containing high explosives was found near an air base.

15 Dec 2006 – Wikipedia. A list of people who disappeared mysteriously. Sivasubramaniam Raveendranath age 55. Sri Lankan Tamil. Attending a conference in Colombo.

4 February 2007 – Possible links between LTTE and al Qaeda. Merchant commercial shipping links. Military balance 2007 IISS. Sunday Times UK. ©2006 Sri Lankan army.

21 February 2007 – Two separate bomb blasts in Sri Lanka killed 3 people and wounded 19. The first bomb was attached to a parked bike in the town of Oddamavadi killed two police officers and two civilians. The second attack was in Jaffna when a hand grenade was thrown at a passing military convoy, missing, but exploded near a school injuring 5 people. (Stratfor intel summary).

27 February 2007 – Sri Lanka. US ambassador slightly injured in attack on his helicopter AP. CNN.

2000 – Sex slavery. Trafficking in Sri Lankan women to the Middle East by Chandanie Watawala. Modern slavery Sri Lanka has the second highest number of disappearances in the world, second only to Iraq.

November 2010 – Sri Lanka legalized gambling in November 2010. AFP. TTR. weekly.

17 Jan 2011 – Jon Lee Anderson. Death of the tiger. Sri Lanka's brutal cruelty over its Tamil insurgents. The New Yorker.

17 March 2011 – International paedophile ring.

17 April 2011 – Sri Lanka committed war crimes, says UN. The Independent UK.

26 November 2012 – Catholic Brother on sex charges, flees to Sri Lanka. Bernard Kevin McGrath aged 65 on a tea plantation in Sri Lanka wanted by Australia for sex crimes, rape and molesting young children. New Zealand Newswire. Yahoo news.

4 December 2012 – Sri Lankas in new challenge to boat regime. Rick Morton and Sid Maher'. The Australian immigration and boat people.

17 July 2013 – Sri Lanka gambling hot spot TTR weekly Colombo. AFP. Sri Lanka legalized gambling in November 2010.

6 September 2013 – Sri Lanka rolls the dice on mega casinos. Financial times by James Crabtree in Colombo

12 September 2013 – Sri Lanka to approve setting up of foreign funded casinos. IBN live. Press trust of India.

13 September 2013 – Sri Lanka approves two casinos. Colombo Australian James Packer. AFP. TTR weekly.

13 September 2013 – Australian James Packer wins casino deal in Sri Lanka. AFP

19 Oct 2013 – Crown confirms discussions with Sri Lankan govt casinos. Colin Kruger. The Canberra Times ACT. James Packers casino operation Crown ltd.

6 June 2014 – Don’t come down to milk Mafia. Sri Lanka Daily mirror. Powdered milk Mafia.

5 July 2014 – Tribunal to end killings at police stations. Asian human rights community says. Recent killings at police stations in Sri Lanka

8 July 2014 – TVNZ One news. Return of asylum seekers to Sri Lanka blocked. 153 asylum seekers to Sri Lanka. 32 women and 37 children to Australia. Judge Susan Crennan.

10 July 2014 – Human trafficking ring suspected. 3 news NZ. Asylum seekers were trying to get  to New Zealand. Australian boat people.

18 July 2014 – Lanka web. Missing persons commission, an international panel to investigate war crimes.

29 Aug 2014 – Sir Lanka supports move to investigate war the missing. IRIN news Laithweeratunga missing persons.

17 Sept 2014 – Sri Lanka and China sign agreement for cooperation. Daily news Colombo. Socialist republic of Sri Lanka and peoples republic of China.

30 Sept 2014 – How the JVP seized power in the universities. Daily news Colombo. Socialist students union SSU was founded on 16 Nov 1964.

16 Oct 2014 – Sri Lanka’s grand tourism plan. Yahoo Maktoob news. The beach resort of Negombo is a paedophile haven, where hotels turn a blind eye to European paedophiles.

21 Oct 2014 – Sri Lanka opposition unions demand pay increase. Yahoo news. Colombo AP. Trade unions protest. Gulf.

30 Oct 2014 – Sri Lanka landslide 10 dead and more than 150 missing at Koslanda. The Independent UK. Tea plantation, a monsoon triggered the mudslide and buried workers and their homes.

30 Oct 2014 – PM expresses grief at loss of life in Sri Lankan landslide. United news of India. New Delhi. 200 people are missing after a massive landslide at tea plantations, workers

30 Oct 2014 – Sri Lanka, dozens trapped in landslide. EFE news service. Search for 192 people still missing after a landslide in the south, 6 bodies were recovered.

21 Dec 2014 – OpDeathEaters on Twitter. The mass graves of murderd, abused children have been  uncovered in Canada, the US, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Slovenia and Ireland.

29 Jan 2015 – Australia detains 157 Sri Lankan Tamil asylum seekers. Held at the high seas for a month last year. Economic Times. Daily Times.

28 Feb 2015 – Sri Lankan police question a naval officer over missing people.  Outlook. TamilNet. Disappearances of several people during the war with LTTE.

4 Nov 2015 – Sri Lakan icon of colonialism 17th century Dutch in Jaffna. NDTV.

19 Nov 2015 – The UN asks the Sri Lankan government to act on missing people. Disappearances from the 1983 to 2009 civil war. The government and LTTE, there are more than 16,000 missing people. Reuters.

25 May 2016 – BBC UK. Sri Lankan missing persons, disappeared. Thousands of people are still missing 7 years after the Tamil Tigers war. Missing people from the  Tamil conflict. India Today. The Wire. Daily Mail. 20,000 war missing from the Tamil conflict.

6 June 2016 – VOA. A soldier was killed in an arms depot blast.

8 June 2016 – 65,000 people who went missing during the civil war as dead. First Post. Colombo Sri Lanka. People are still missing, seven years after the civil war ended. The Sri Lankan govt is giving certificates for the missing. Washington Post. Economy Next.

3 July 2016 – 100 Tamil refugees on a ferry headed for New Zealand. Trafficking. The Indian coast guard stopped them.

31 Jan 2017 - Six New Zealanders were hurt in a Sri Lankan accident. Colombo car crash. Stuff NZ.

30 March 2017 - Zombie Democracy. 2 April 2017. A Sri Lankan man was killed in a car crash on 30 March 2017. In South Waikato New Zealand. 56 year old Gamini Vithanage.

15 April 2017 - NZ Herald. A rubbish dump collapse killed 10 people in Sri Lanka.

16 April 2017 - Guardian UK. Hundreds of people feared buried in Sri Lankan rubbish dump landslide. Colombo emergency. Search for missing people. 19 bodies found.

3 May 2017 - Natural news. Sri Lanka massive avalanche. Sri Lankan garbage pile collapse.

28 May 2017 - Brass tack. Hard real news. G+. Sri Lanka seeks international help after deadly flooding landslides. Reuters.

28 May 2017 - G+. Brass tack. Hard real news. Sri Lankan floods. 500,000 people displaced. Death toll rises. BBC UK.

29 May 2017 - Floods in Sri Lanka displace half a million people. New York times. Floods, mudslides. More than 150 people are reported dead. The worst torrential rains since 2003.

31 May 2017 - G+. Griffin Walker. Landslides in Sri Lanka kill 180 people and more than 100 people are missing. 75,000 people are displaced. The Big wobble.

6 July 2017 - G+. Griffin Walker. Health alert as Sri Lankas worst dengue outbreak kills 225 people and infects more than 76,000 people in 2017. Video. Strange

11 Aug 2017 - The Sri Lankan foreign minister resigns over corruption charge. Reuters. Lanka business online.

19 Oct 2017 - Bright fireball, sonic boon over Sri Lanka. Griffin Walker. G+. A Bright fireball and sonic boom was reported over Sri Lanka. The Watchers.


'The equivalent of a magnitude 7.0': Slow-slip rupture spreads south along Hawke's Bay coast - NZ Herald

'The equivalent of a magnitude 7.0': Slow-slip rupture spreads south along Hawke's Bay coast - NZ Herald

Police commander won't confirm models of 11 guns stolen from police station |

Police commander won't confirm models of 11 guns stolen from police station |

Man charged, guns from station still missing | Otago Daily Times Online News

Man charged, guns from station still missing | Otago Daily Times Online News

Man who allegedly stole 11 firearms from Palmerston North Police Station arrested, guns still to be located | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Man who allegedly stole 11 firearms from Palmerston North Police Station arrested, guns still to be located | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Человек, который предположительно украл 11 огнестрельного оружия из полицейского участка Палмерстон-Норт, арестован, оружие еще не найдено | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Человек, который предположительно украл 11 огнестрельного оружия из полицейского участка Палмерстон-Норт, арестован, оружие еще не найдено | 1 новости сейчас | TVNZ

Апрель 2019: не выше закона

Апрель 2019: не выше закона

Not above the law

Not above the law

In Christchurch, New Zealand. Kidnapping is illegal. Torture is illegal. Trafficking is illegal. Invasion of privacy is illegal. Forced associations marriages is illegal, especially when it is as a political punishment. Lies and slander, false accusations is illegal. Threatening to do a crime like this is also illegal. Classic political violence. Theft is illegal. Rape slavery trafficking is illegal, its a serious crime not a job. Minimum wage zero is not the minimum wage. There is a big gap between zero and welfare. Banning people from welfare, work, volunteering, further education, a mobile number, and complaining about it, is abuse of power, corruption, sadistic horror. You are not above the law in Christchurch. No one will arrest you here, or even tell you to stop doing it. Extreme corruption. Real laws, real crimes and real victims.

Victims are not workers, victims are not crazy and victims are not willing. I have given up being a victim of your horror. You will never do those crimes ever again. Calling for far right extremist Nazis to be banned from NZ government jobs. No wonder. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail to be for NZ Nazi war criminals. They get horror revenge on those calling for them to lose their jobs. Not acceptable. I have no power to arrest anyone or make new laws.

Not above the law in Christchurch. Those responsible for the torture threats ive been getting lately will be named, and face the court. Its illegal in New Zealand. Those who do these crimes have government jobs, they should not have. The truth is the truth. Handle it. Lies and slander are not an excuse to torture anyone in Christchurch. If you dont like someones politics, get some tolerance.
No means no. People can choose their favourite political party themselves. Putting a gun to someones head and trying to force them to vote for your politics, is illegal. No one will put up with it. Bullying wont replace voting. Lies and slander, trying to de humanize, discredit and de civilianize people is not an excuse, to get away with torture or forced associations. You corrupt sadists will ever get away with horror crimes like that ever again. No means no.

Those behind the recent torture threats and forced association threats Ive ben getting here, will be named and face the court of law, explain your lies and hate to the judge. They are not above the law, just coz they have a government job. You could not do those crimes to a murderer in jail or a terrorist, so dont do them to me and kids in Christchurch. No more torture and forced association threats. No more political violence. Make your a horror movies somewhere else and leave me out of them. You have no right to prevent people getting on with their lives and enjoying basic human rights. Its my life and my work, slavery is illegal in Christchurch. Bye bye bully.

Im being threatened now with extreme torture, spit in the face, kicked in the guts and thrown $2. They say, we are being nice, its compensation. They have no right to do crimes like that to anyone either. Not fooled. They will not have their government jobs for long, they will face the court of law and be accountable for their crimes and threats. No one is gong to be tortured in Christchurch because of their nasty lies. There is no excuse. Its my life and my work. I am going to get on with my life and enjoy my basic human rights, no one is going to stop me. They have no right.

Not above the law.

(233) Relatives of Sri Lanka bomber say he was radicalised in Melbourne | Nine News Australia - YouTube

(233) Relatives of Sri Lanka bomber say he was radicalised in Melbourne | Nine News Australia - YouTube: (233) Relatives of Sri Lanka bomber say he was radicalised in Melbourne | Nine News Australia - YouTube -

Взрыв в Шри-Ланке: террорист Абдул Латиф Джамиль Мохамед " радикализирован в Австралии’

Взрыв в Шри-Ланке: террорист Абдул Латиф Джамиль Мохамед " радикализирован в Австралии’

Война с Ираном и призыв к блефу Америки | виноградник балобана

Война с Ираном и призыв к блефу Америки | виноградник балобана

Макрон преследует журналистов, разоблачивших причастность Франции к возможным военным преступлениям Саудовской Аравии в Йемене — RT World News

Макрон преследует журналистов, разоблачивших причастность Франции к возможным военным преступлениям Саудовской Аравии в Йемене — RT World News

Китай и Турция бросают вызов США, продолжат импортировать иранскую нефть

Китай и Турция бросают вызов США, продолжат импортировать иранскую нефть

Организаторы Google Walkout говорят, что им грозит Возмездие | WIRED

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ЦРУ хочет, чтобы вы поверили, что он торговал убийствами и шпионажем за лайки и акции

ЦРУ хочет, чтобы вы поверили, что он торговал убийствами и шпионажем за лайки и акции

Апрель 2019: Крайстчерч политическое насилие 2

Апрель 2019: Крайстчерч политическое насилие 2

Christchurch political violence 2

Christchurch political violence 2

Today two strangers came around here, delivering a message from my political enemies, threatened me with torture, robbery theft, years of my research and writing, computer and clothes to be stolen legally. They threatened to kidnap me, traffick, and the obliteration of my basic human rights. Its a basic human right to read, write and communicate. Threatened me with the vegetable treatment. Sadistic horror. Its kinder and more honest and humane, to shoot someone than do these horrors to them. Threatening to steal my life, my work and attempt to change my political opinion by brute force. What has Christchurch come to? Im not fooled by those behind this.

The people behind these threats are far right, extremist Nazi types who have government jobs, they should not have. They dont like my politics one bit. I dont like their politics either, but ive got better things to do, than harrass, stalk and threaten others. The two strangers today were just delivering a message from my political enemies. Out of the blue, no incidents, no communication, just this. Those behind this have no right. Its blatant abuse of power.

I am not crazy. I have no doubt. I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. I am a member of the Internet party and hoped to be a candidate in the next election. Im moving to Wellington from here soon. Ive been reading, re building my research index, after an earlier theft, which was the worst robbery ive ever experienced in my life. Years of research, writing and all my winter clothes stolen. The same people are behind this. Blatant rip off, with a fraud Yahoo email as an excuse. I went from a house full of possessions to a van full. Now they want to rob me of what I have left. Totally unacceptable. A targeted political crime.

They run fraud emails, with help from Google. The Yahoo email is an ID theft fraud. Nothing to do with me. Government files are also being hacked by these people, so dont presume the files are gospel. Lies and slander, victim blaming fraud.

They have deliberately brutally prevented me from getting another home in Christchurch. Kicking me out of the South island. I was born in the South island, as far as I know. I did not want to leave Christchurch during the earthquakes. What has been happening lately makes the earthquakes look like a picnic. The far right extremist Nazi type problem is much more widespread in Christchurch than is admitted. These people should not have government jobs. Its obvious why not. All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Friends with gym memberships and guns. While I self censor myself, by not drawing a picture of a gun on my blog, I dont do that because, I would get arrested for it. So I dont do it.

What happened today, was another attempt at terrorizing me. Threats to do crimes, worse than some done at Guantanamo. Try and do these crimes to a terrorist or a murderer in jail, there would be an outcry. They have human rights. Making you totally unable to read any religious texts or write memoirs. Tell me thats not torture. The vegetable treatment is reserved for those with different politics to them. A fate worse than death.

I am in my 50s im not a teen. Im not fooled by their lies.  I chose not to have any tatoos and ive never been to jail. Compared to some of these local police, who are covered in tatoos and seem to only recognise Nazi laws, not the NZ laws at all. According to NZ  laws, Slavery is a crime. Torture is a crime. Trafficking is a crime. Forced associations marriages is a crime. Especially when its used as a political punishment. Invasion of privacy is a crime. Threatening to do a crime is a crime. Kidnapping is a crime. False accusations are crimes. Theft is a crime.

These far right Nazi extremists are not above the law, just coz they only recognise Nazi law. The laws of the land still exist. I dont recognize their Nazi laws. They should be taken to a court and made to explain themselves and their lies to a judge. There is a big difference between the facts, truth , proof and evidence Ive blogged about on the Internet, and the lies, slander and victim blaming fraud of these extremists.

Let a judge and court decide. None of their lies and slander would ever stand up in any court of law. They frame up lawyers and judges too. The people who do the frame ups in NZ, have the same political orientation. They are also the same people who make false complaints, to intimidate  those who are trying to make new laws, against hate crimes, extremism and victim blaming.

Only in New Zealand, extreme bullying is followed by extreme victim blaming. Some of their policies are worse than ISIS. Do the crimes, deny it and blame the victims forever and ever. Regardless if those responsible have confessed and been charged. I would also question the illegal use of American electronic warfare equipment here. I describe some of these people who operate this equipment as NZ neo war criminals. Its a big secret, that there were New Zealanders, and not all white, as real Nazis in WW2. Some of these people, causing trouble today, are from the same families.  Secret names, not all white. The Nazis took over Samoa in WW2, for example. The whole issue of WW2 enemy aliens needs to be re viewed. Some people today still do not know if the suspicions were true or not. Family finances are still effected by this today.

Some of these far right Nazi extremists have been sacked from their jobs, for horrendous crimes. Ask those who sacked them for more info.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

'Track 2' Talks Take US-Russian Relations Where Official Channels Won’t | Russia Matters

'Track 2' Talks Take US-Russian Relations Where Official Channels Won’t | Russia Matters

Мусульманский Азербайджан-модель сосуществования с еврейским государством |

Мусульманский Азербайджан-модель сосуществования с еврейским государством |

Sri Lanka bombings latest: Officials warn of threat of more attacks, Low sunday's death to at least 250 - The Washington Post

Sri Lanka bombings latest: Officials warn of threat of more attacks, Low sunday's death to at least 250 - The Washington Post

Новые альт-правые политические группы, скрывающиеся на виду - расследование | RNZ

Новые альт-правые политические группы, скрывающиеся на виду - расследование | RNZ

Australian Defence Force's tighter security vetting prevents New Zealanders from joining | RNZ News

Australian Defence Force's tighter security vetting prevents New Zealanders from joining | RNZ News

В ГРУ хотели бы знать, как их источники попались-ICDS

В ГРУ хотели бы знать, как их источники попались-ICDS

"Побежденный" в Сирии, ИГИЛ монтирует кровавое возвращение в Ираке - задача и цель

"Побежденный" в Сирии, ИГИЛ монтирует кровавое возвращение в Ираке - задача и цель

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 2019: Nasiri clues

April 2019: Nasiri clues

Nasiri clues


Iran. 23 April 2019. Ali Nasiri, a former General counter intel, linked to the IRGC, has fled to the US embassy with secret intel. Traitor spy. Free Beacon. The Washington.

Moroccan Omar Nasiri, an alias. Worked for the French intel DGSR. He planted a bomb on the Greenpeace Rainbow warrior ship in New Zealand. killing a photographer. Nasiri GIA, arms trafficking. Belgium 24 Dec 2018. In Belgium, Nasiri, a plane was hijacked Marseilles airport. Omar Nasiri was born in Morocco, in Belgium GIA. (The new spymasters. Stephen Grey. 2015).

Исследователи борются за обнародование секретного канадского архива холодной войны | National Post

Исследователи борются за обнародование секретного канадского архива холодной войны | National Post

Хакеры Украли Имена Почти 1000 Северокорейских Перебежчиков - Задача И Цель

Хакеры Украли Имена Почти 1000 Северокорейских Перебежчиков - Задача И Цель

Кризис в Ливии обострился, более 170 человек погибли при нападении на Триполи

Кризис в Ливии обострился, более 170 человек погибли при нападении на Триполи: Кризис в Ливии обострился, более 170 человек погибли при нападении на Триполи -

Любопытный случай мошеннического агента ЦРУ Уэйна Симмонса и военно-промышленного комплекса | NEWSREP

Любопытный случай мошеннического агента ЦРУ Уэйна Симмонса и военно-промышленного комплекса | NEWSREP

Один странный чувак: имплозия бывшего аналитика ЦРУ Ларри Джонсона | NEWSREP

Один странный чувак: имплозия бывшего аналитика ЦРУ Ларри Джонсона | NEWSREP

Зеленый берет убит в учебном инциденте на прошлой неделе был также ранее в МАРСОКЕ | NEWSREP

Зеленый берет убит в учебном инциденте на прошлой неделе был также ранее в МАРСОКЕ | NEWSREP

Зеленый берет убит в учебном инциденте на прошлой неделе был также ранее в МАРСОКЕ | NEWSREP

Зеленый берет убит в учебном инциденте на прошлой неделе был также ранее в МАРСОКЕ | NEWSREP

Зеленый берет убит в учебном инциденте на прошлой неделе был также ранее в МАРСОКЕ | NEWSREP

Зеленый берет убит в учебном инциденте на прошлой неделе был также ранее в МАРСОКЕ | NEWSREP

Закон Мерфи бьет по книжным магазинам во всем мире сегодня! / NEWSREP

Закон Мерфи бьет по книжным магазинам во всем мире сегодня! / NEWSREP

SRI Lankan suicide bomber studied in Australia, country's defence minister says |

SRI Lankan suicide bomber studied in Australia, country's defence minister says |

Высокопоставленные чиновники Шри-Ланки целенаправленно скрывали разведывательную информацию о нападениях на Пасхальное воскресенье , говорит министр-финансовый Экспресс

Высокопоставленные чиновники Шри-Ланки целенаправленно скрывали разведывательную информацию о нападениях на Пасхальное воскресенье , говорит министр-финансовый Экспресс

Полиция Шри-Ланки задержала предполагаемого инструктора террористов-смертников

Полиция Шри-Ланки задержала предполагаемого инструктора террористов-смертников

Россия тестирует нового президента Украины с паспортами для отколовшихся регионов | мировые новости | The Guardian

Россия тестирует нового президента Украины с паспортами для отколовшихся регионов | мировые новости | The Guardian

Встаньте на нашу сторону, продолжайте покупать нефть у Ирана: Конгресс, CPM tell PM Modi | Новости Индии, The Indian Express

Встаньте на нашу сторону, продолжайте покупать нефть у Ирана: Конгресс, CPM tell PM Modi | Новости Индии, The Indian Express

Великобритания близка к добавлению роящихся атакующих дронов в свой военный арсенал

Великобритания близка к добавлению роящихся атакующих дронов в свой военный арсенал

Наблюдения НЛО от пилотов на подъеме, толкая ВМС США для расследования /

Наблюдения НЛО от пилотов на подъеме, толкая ВМС США для расследования /

Визит принца Уильяма в Нью-Йорк: визит в Окленд и Крайстчерч-Анзак, чтобы вспомнить жертв войны и нападения на мечеть - NZ Herald

Визит принца Уильяма в Нью-Йорк: визит в Окленд и Крайстчерч-Анзак, чтобы вспомнить жертв войны и нападения на мечеть - NZ Herald

U.S. in UFO Race with China, Russia, Former Senate Majority Leader Suggests

U.S. in UFO Race with China, Russia, Former Senate Majority Leader Suggests

Russian Embassy in the USA official reaction to the Mueller Report (MUST READ) | The Vineyard of the Saker

Russian Embassy in the USA official reaction to the Mueller Report (MUST READ) | The Vineyard of the Saker

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Report: Senior IRGC Officer Flees Iran With Top Secret Intel

Report: Senior IRGC Officer Flees Iran With Top Secret Intel

ISIS: US military allegedly promoting ISIS in Afghanistan

ISIS: US military allegedly promoting ISIS in Afghanistan

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

США поставляют технику террористам YPG возле турецкой границы в Сирии - Daily Sabah

'We heard a huge explosion': New Zealanders in middle of blasts in Colombo, Sri Lanka - NZ Herald

'We heard a huge explosion': New Zealanders in middle of blasts in Colombo, Sri Lanka - NZ Herald

Ardern and Macron to use Paris conference to rally support against social media companies that let users publish harmful content /

Ardern and Macron to use Paris conference to rally support against social media companies that let users publish harmful content /

Как Джасинда Ардерн готовит социальные медиа разгон, видео предполагаемого боевика появляется-и получает огромный трафик - NZ Herald

Как Джасинда Ардерн готовит социальные медиа разгон, видео предполагаемого боевика появляется-и получает огромный трафик - NZ Herald

Ardern, Macron to co-chair Paris meeting aiming to stop spread of terrorism online | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Ardern, Macron to co-chair Paris meeting aiming to stop spread of terrorism online | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

В сельских районах к югу от Роторуа в результате несчастного случая в лесном хозяйстве отключена электроэнергия до сотен - NZ Herald

В сельских районах к югу от Роторуа в результате несчастного случая в лесном хозяйстве отключена электроэнергия до сотен - NZ Herald: В сельских районах к югу от Роторуа в результате несчастного случая в лесном хозяйстве отключена электроэнергия до сотен - NZ Herald -

Премьер-министр Джасинда Ардерн возглавит глобальную попытку остановить терроризм в социальных сетях - NZ Herald

Премьер-министр Джасинда Ардерн возглавит глобальную попытку остановить терроризм в социальных сетях - NZ Herald

Венки украдены, кенотаф поврежден в Ngaruawāhia / вещи

Венки украдены, кенотаф поврежден в Ngaruawāhia / вещи

Президент Шри-Ланки клянется обеспечить безопасность в связи с нападениями | Новости Шри-Ланки | Al Jazeera

Президент Шри-Ланки клянется обеспечить безопасность в связи с нападениями | Новости Шри-Ланки | Al Jazeera

Президент Шри-Ланки клянется обеспечить безопасность в связи с нападениями | Новости Шри-Ланки | Al Jazeera

Президент Шри-Ланки клянется обеспечить безопасность в связи с нападениями | Новости Шри-Ланки | Al Jazeera

Sri Lanka attacks: Muslims had warned officials about group behind bombings /

Sri Lanka attacks: Muslims had warned officials about group behind bombings /

Sri Lanka bombings: Fourth hotel bombing failed, more explosives 'out there' /

Sri Lanka bombings: Fourth hotel bombing failed, more explosives 'out there' /

Harin Fernando в Твиттере: «Some intelligence officers were aware of this incidence. Therefore there was a delay in action. What my father heard was also from an intelligence officer. Serious action need to be taken as to why this warning was ignored. I was in Badulla last night…»

Harin Fernando в Твиттере: «Some intelligence officers were aware of this incidence. Therefore there was a delay in action. What my father heard was also from an intelligence officer. Serious action need to be taken as to why this warning was ignored. I was in Badulla last night…»

Полиция Шри-Ланки зондирует ИГИЛ, связанную с местной исламистской группировкой в пасхальных взрывах - NZ Herald

Полиция Шри-Ланки зондирует ИГИЛ, связанную с местной исламистской группировкой в пасхальных взрывах - NZ Herald: Полиция Шри-Ланки зондирует ИГИЛ, связанную с местной исламистской группировкой в пасхальных взрывах - NZ Herald -

Sri Lanka blasts: Authorities wary over linking attacks to Christchurch and ISIS | RNZ News

Sri Lanka blasts: Authorities wary over linking attacks to Christchurch and ISIS | RNZ News

Организаторы Google walkout говорят, что они мстят за требования этических стандартов / Boing Boing

Организаторы Google walkout говорят, что они мстят за требования этических стандартов / Boing Boing

Новая Зеландия и Франция объединяют усилия для борьбы с терроризмом и насилием в социальных сетях |

Новая Зеландия и Франция объединяют усилия для борьбы с терроризмом и насилием в социальных сетях |

Грант Робертсон назвал британского обозревателя, напавшего на Джасинду Ардерн "идиотом" - NZ Herald

Грант Робертсон назвал британского обозревателя, напавшего на Джасинду Ардерн "идиотом" - NZ Herald

Грант Робертсон назвал британского обозревателя, напавшего на Джасинду Ардерн "идиотом" - NZ Herald

Грант Робертсон назвал британского обозревателя, напавшего на Джасинду Ардерн "идиотом" - NZ Herald

Ilhan Omar Blamed American Military For Alleged Crimes Committed During Black Hawk Down | Daily Wire

Ilhan Omar Blamed American Military For Alleged Crimes Committed During Black Hawk Down | Daily Wire

Ilhan Omar said 'thousands’ of Somalis were killed in' Black Hawk Down ' mission

Ilhan Omar said 'thousands’ of Somalis were killed in' Black Hawk Down ' mission

Эксклюзив: США открыты для нового пути к исключению Судана из списка террористов - official - Reuters

Эксклюзив: США открыты для нового пути к исключению Судана из списка террористов - official - Reuters

Президент Турции Эрдоган обвиняет Запад в терроризме-в овощах и орехах

Президент Турции Эрдоган обвиняет Запад в терроризме-в овощах и орехах

Иранский парламент назвал CENTCOM террористической группировкой в ответ на американский черный список КСИР-Аль-Манар ТВ Ливан

Иранский парламент назвал CENTCOM террористической группировкой в ответ на американский черный список КСИР-Аль-Манар ТВ Ливан

Испанская антитеррористическая полиция сорвала планы нападения на Севилью - Business Insider

Испанская антитеррористическая полиция сорвала планы нападения на Севилью - Business Insider

Почему Новая волна терроризма может укрепить позиции Готабая Раджапакса в качестве следующего президента Ланки - News 18

Почему Новая волна терроризма может укрепить позиции Готабая Раджапакса в качестве следующего президента Ланки - News 18

Почему Новая волна терроризма может укрепить позиции Готабая Раджапакса в качестве следующего президента Ланки - News 18

Почему Новая волна терроризма может укрепить позиции Готабая Раджапакса в качестве следующего президента Ланки - News 18

Calls for justice after WWI crosses destroyed before Anzac Day | Newshub

Calls for justice after WWI crosses destroyed before Anzac Day | Newshub

New special visa allows Christchurch terror attack survivors a permanent stay in New Zealand |

New special visa allows Christchurch terror attack survivors a permanent stay in New Zealand |

Индийские студенты получили новые визы через два года после депортации | RNZ

Индийские студенты получили новые визы через два года после депортации | RNZ

Ультраправых партнеров Нетаньяху породили американские террористы – внешняя политика

Ультраправых партнеров Нетаньяху породили американские террористы – внешняя политика

Sri Lankans living in NZ grapple with shock, sadness after terrorist attacks back home | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Sri Lankans living in NZ grapple with shock, sadness after terrorist attacks back home | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ

Иранские законодатели санкционируют жесткие действия против "террористических" актов США - Reuters

Иранские законодатели санкционируют жесткие действия против "террористических" актов США - Reuters

Michigan State Police tweet warning signs for terrorism | новости для Фентон, Линден, Холли Ми |

Michigan State Police tweet warning signs for terrorism | новости для Фентон, Линден, Холли Ми |

Убийство Даниэля Перла: "последний террорист на свободе" арестован в Пакистане - Ближний Восток - Jerusalem Post

Убийство Даниэля Перла: "последний террорист на свободе" арестован в Пакистане - Ближний Восток - Jerusalem Post

ЦРУ переключает внимание с терроризма на "жесткие цели", такие как Россия и Иран

ЦРУ переключает внимание с терроризма на "жесткие цели", такие как Россия и Иран

Шри-Ланка бомбит "месть" за атаки в Крайстчерче | новости онлайн Отаго Дейли Таймс

Шри-Ланка бомбит "месть" за атаки в Крайстчерче | новости онлайн Отаго Дейли Таймс

Сирийца задержали для допроса по поводу терактов-репортаж

Сирийца задержали для допроса по поводу терактов-репортаж

Министр обороны Шри-Ланки утверждает, что нападения были ответом за нападения на мечеть в Крайстчерче | Newshub

Министр обороны Шри-Ланки утверждает, что нападения были ответом за нападения на мечеть в Крайстчерче | Newshub

Monday, April 22, 2019

Google Earth accidentally reveals secret military sites | ZDNet

Google Earth accidentally reveals secret military sites | ZDNet

Пасхальный террор в Шри-Ланке: 290 погибших, 500 раненых | Новости РНЗ

Пасхальный террор в Шри-Ланке: 290 погибших, 500 раненых | Новости РНЗ

15 шокирующие военные секреты США они не хотят, чтобы вы знали

15 шокирующие военные секреты США они не хотят, чтобы вы знали

Теперь, когда Джина Хаспел является директором ЦРУ, пришло время смириться с программой пыток-Lawfare

Теперь, когда Джина Хаспел является директором ЦРУ, пришло время смириться с программой пыток-Lawfare

Теперь, когда Джина Хаспел является директором ЦРУ, пришло время смириться с программой пыток-Lawfare

Теперь, когда Джина Хаспел является директором ЦРУ, пришло время смириться с программой пыток-Lawfare

От хакера до беглеца: эпическое путешествие Джулиана Ассанжа

От хакера до беглеца: эпическое путешествие Джулиана Ассанжа

Лидер ополчения США похвастался подготовкой группы для убийства Барака Обамы и Хиллари Клинтон - ФБР | Newshub

Лидер ополчения США похвастался подготовкой группы для убийства Барака Обамы и Хиллари Клинтон - ФБР | Newshub

'Not an easy one': Jacinda Ardern defends decision to grant drug lord Karel Sroubek residency | Newshub

'Not an easy one': Jacinda Ardern defends decision to grant drug lord Karel Sroubek residency | Newshub

Американский судья считает, что Мюллер не должен иметь "неограниченной власти" в России - Reuters

Американский судья считает, что Мюллер не должен иметь "неограниченной власти" в России - Reuters

Злоупотребление властью: ExxonMobil, председатель Ламар Смит и Первая поправка-Союз заинтересованных ученых

Злоупотребление властью: ExxonMobil, председатель Ламар Смит и Первая поправка-Союз заинтересованных ученых: Злоупотребление властью: ExxonMobil, председатель Ламар Смит и Первая поправка-Союз заинтересованных ученых -

Шри-Ланка: "террористы" продолжают планировать атаки, США предупреждает в travel advisory | World News, The Indian Express

Шри-Ланка: "террористы" продолжают планировать атаки, США предупреждает в travel advisory | World News, The Indian Express

Зеленский победа делает Украину 1-й страной за пределами Израиля с еврейским премьер-министром, президентом | The Times of Israel

Зеленский победа делает Украину 1-й страной за пределами Израиля с еврейским премьер-министром, президентом | The Times of Israel

Центральная избирательная комиссия Украины объявила первые результаты подсчета голосов 21 апреля - новости политики | УНИАН

Центральная избирательная комиссия Украины объявила первые результаты подсчета голосов 21 апреля - новости политики | УНИАН

Шри-Ланка идентифицирует группу, подозреваемую в пасхальных взрывах

Шри-Ланка идентифицирует группу, подозреваемую в пасхальных взрывах

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Новости Spacex: взрыв стартовой площадки капсулы Дракона экипажа, неудача для Илона Маска? / Мир / Новости / Экспресс.co.Великобритания

Ультраправые всплески активности после атак в Крайстчерче | новости онлайн Отаго Дейли Таймс

Ультраправые всплески активности после атак в Крайстчерче | новости онлайн Отаго Дейли Таймс

Far-right activity surges after Christchurch attacks | Otago Daily Times Online News

Far-right activity surges after Christchurch attacks | Otago Daily Times Online News

Апрель 2019: Нет пыткам

Апрель 2019: Нет пыткам

Sri Lanka National Emergency LIVE Updates: Following Serial Blasts, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena to Declare Nationwide Emergency from Midnight

Sri Lanka National Emergency LIVE Updates: Following Serial Blasts, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena to Declare Nationwide Emergency from Midnight

No to torture

No to torture

Political violence here. I am a member of the Internet party. I have beEn qualified as a Journalist since 1990. Im in a kidnap situation, being trafficked around from place to place in Christchurch. Problems with ID theft frauds. Problems with enemies, far right extremist Nazis. I was calling for far right extremist Nazis to be banned from NZ government jobs.  Call for new laws. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail for NZ Nazi war criminals. These creeps got revenge on me for this. I got ripped out of my home, with the help of a fraud Yahoo email, which kept falsely saying I was having a breakdown, most of my possessions were stolen. I went from a house full to a van full of possessions. Years of research and writing was stolen. Winter clothes and things. My bed. Forced to rehome my cat of 12 years. 

When I tried to get a new home, I was prevented, brutally, stalked and lied to, lied about and targeted for kidnapping. After a few moves around, in here in a temporary place surrounded, I found out, by pawns of my enemies. Ive been threatened and invaded by illegal American electronic equipment, which has stalked me around these places, not a shred of privacy. Crazy whore, lies and slander, victim blaming fraud, now these strangers threaten to torture me and rip off all my possessions which i have left. im trying to rebuild my research index as and i dont want to lose any more of my work or possessions. The corrupt police are even worse than these pawns, threaten to kidnap from a kidnap and torture me. Steal all my possessions. Tell lies and slander. Politically motivated hate crimes.
My communications have been gradually cut of and eroded. I have no phone number now, my Kaspersky secure connection was cut off, mysteriously. So I cant get a bank balance or call a taxi, I dont have a car. So many streets in Christchurch are not on the map. Maps are totally different to the streets you walk and signs there. Every time I was moved to a new unknown area I got lost, first time I went out to try and find out where i was. I never went missing, but the possibility of this did occur to me when I was changing my address too often. I had to change my address every move. Trying to find a post box or post ship was very difficult.

So now im here, surrounded by pawns of my enemies, placed here, its not safe for my possessions. Strangers keep falsely accusing me of being crazy or a crazy whore and threatening to rob me. Last thing I want os to lose any more of my possessions an work. Im  rebuilding my card indexes, which were stolen. These nasty women, three of them, who came here seperately, all threatened to rob me and kept calling me a crazy whore. The fraud Yahoo email has re surfaced, with lies about a breakdown. Its not me, its my enemies running this. Google refuses to allow me to remove this dangerous fraud.

Im not on Fakebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or Pinterest, etc, they were ID theft frauded long ago. Enemies, who have government jobs in New Zealand, far right Nazi extremists, do this, the tech giants allow them to. I boycott these sites because of this. They run porn scams and all sorts of deceptions and lies. Creating a fictional character, a crazy whore. I am not crazy and I am not a whore. Sometimes these enemies go door to door, shop to shop, spreading lies and slander, never giving their names.

The Christchurch mosque attacks were just the tip of the iceberg. New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide in the world by far. Yet New Zealand kids are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. These far right Nazi extremists with New Zealand government jobs, seem to be the cause of most of the problems here. They also hack other government departments files, causing trouble. They tap the privacy commissioners phone. They only recognise Nazi laws. They dont recognise the laws of the land in NZ. Its a clash of laws.

Kidnapping is a crime. Torture is a crime. Trafficking is a crime. Forced associations marriages is a crime. ID theft fraud is a crime. Invasion of privacy is a crime. Harassment stalking is a crime. Holding someone as a political prisoner is a crime. Theft is a crime.

Not according to Nazi laws. Which are quite different to the laws of the land. I dont recognise Nazi laws. They dont apply in Christchurch. I dont want to be a Nazi. Its not compulsory in Christchurch. These Nazi creeps and their pawns cause horror after horror. They get away with everything and are above the law. Abuse of power gone toxic. Victims are not workers. Minimum wage zero is not the mimimum wage. Rape, slavery trafficking is not a job. Les should not be an excuse to torture anyone. I am not crazy, I have no doubt at all. Yet these Nazis repeat their lies over and over. They do weird things to try and make their lies appear real. They have sadism disorder. Some of their family members were real Nazis in WW2. The Nazis took over Samoa, not all these Nazis are white. SAS rouge New Zealand and Australians can often be far right Nazi extremists.

I do not want to lose any more of my possessions now. I dont want to be tortured. Turned into a vegetable so i cant read, write or communicate. Such are the horrors they threaten. Political violence type horrors. Obliterate basic human rights. We dont recognise you as a human being. You dont qualify for human rights. We are Nazis. One of the main issues. Reading, writing and communicating is a basic human right. I dont want to be a Nazi. Most people dont want to be Nazis. Their policy is to do the crimes, deny it and blame the victims forever. Its not just Jews and gypsies now, anyone thats not a Nazi like them is crazy and torturable.

I have not stopped calling for these far right Nazi extremists to be banned from NZ government jobs. Or the call for a wing at the high security jail for NZ Nazi war criminals. They have not stopped revenge on me for this. They will never stop me from getting on with my life and my work. They have no right. Whatever happens. I have given up being a victim of their horror. They will never do those crimes again. I am not and have never had a breakdown. I am not crazy at all. Their lies and slander are dangerous. They try and use these as excuses to do violent crimes. They have no right. Dehumanising people, puts them above the law. Or so they think. They will never force me to the point of death into a horror fraud, theft my life situation with one of their Nazi pawn gang mates. Never. A fate worse than death. Its my life, my work and they have no right to prevent me from getting on with it. I dont write about thier mates. Nothing in common. I have no tatoos and have never been to jail. I dont use drugs.

 If the corrupt cops dont recognise the laws of the land in NZ, and only recognise Nazi laws, they should resign. Its called agenda pushing. They are compulsive liars, politically motivated and dangerous. Im in a kidnap situation here, threatened and lied about. I am not a crazy whore and I dont know or love their gang mates. Political fraud, theft of my life.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Новый бой тяжелых боев в Йемене унес десятки жизней

Новый бой тяжелых боев в Йемене унес десятки жизней

Япония, США пытаются найти разбившийся истребитель F-35A stealth, чтобы защитить свои высокотехнологичные "секреты"

Япония, США пытаются найти разбившийся истребитель F-35A stealth, чтобы защитить свои высокотехнологичные "секреты"

GRID: how hacking threats spured secret US blacklist -- Thursday, April 18, 2019 --

GRID: how hacking threats spured secret US blacklist -- Thursday, April 18, 2019 --

Microsoft построит два центра обработки данных для хранения секретных военных данных США | Daily Mail Online

Microsoft построит два центра обработки данных для хранения секретных военных данных США | Daily Mail Online

Кто передал секретные военные планы Америки в руки Гитлера?

Кто передал секретные военные планы Америки в руки Гитлера?

Турция рассмотрит истребители российского производства, если США отменят сделку по F-35 - Washington Times

Турция рассмотрит истребители российского производства, если США отменят сделку по F-35 - Washington Times

Кибербезопасность военно-морского флота нарушена - Washington Times

Кибербезопасность военно-морского флота нарушена - Washington Times

Национальный Thowheeth Jama'ATH планировал атаковать церкви Шри-Ланки на Пасху, предупредили официальные лица-Washington Times

Национальный Thowheeth Jama'ATH планировал атаковать церкви Шри-Ланки на Пасху, предупредили официальные лица-Washington Times

Китай добавляет новый спутник в свою сеть Beidou, которая стремится конкурировать с глобальной системой позиционирования США | South China Morning Post

Китай добавляет новый спутник в свою сеть Beidou, которая стремится конкурировать с глобальной системой позиционирования США | South China Morning Post

Пентагон Должен Привлечь Подрядчиков К Ответственности-Bloomberg

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INS Kolkata arrives at Qingdao to take part in Chinese Navy's fleet review

INS Kolkata arrives at Qingdao to take part in Chinese Navy's fleet review

На фоне беспокойства о космических войнах у Америки уже есть инструменты для сбивания спутников / военных |

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Диего Гарсия охраняет свои секреты, даже когда правда о пытках ЦРУ появляется / мировые новости | The Guardian

Диего Гарсия охраняет свои секреты, даже когда правда о пытках ЦРУ появляется / мировые новости | The Guardian

The American Machine: Police Torture to Drone Assassinations

The American Machine: Police Torture to Drone Assassinations

Суд приказывает ликвидаторам Stonewood выявить реального финансиста

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Christchurch shooting: "беспрецедентный" всплеск интернет-экстремизма после теракта |

Christchurch shooting: "беспрецедентный" всплеск интернет-экстремизма после теракта |

Шри-Ланка несколько взрывов во время пасхальной молитвы: свежий взрыв возле Коломбо после 7 взрывов убить 160 в Шри-Ланке

Шри-Ланка несколько взрывов во время пасхальной молитвы: свежий взрыв возле Коломбо после 7 взрывов убить 160 в Шри-Ланке

Пентагон снова делает число ядерных боеголовок США секретом

Пентагон снова делает число ядерных боеголовок США секретом

Что они строят внутри секретной лаборатории шпионских технологий Америки

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Тысячи секретных патентов, которые правительство США отказывается обнародовать.

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DARPA, армия выберите компании для разработки гиперзвуковых ракетных двигателей

DARPA, армия выберите компании для разработки гиперзвуковых ракетных двигателей

Скептицизм приветствует похожее на DARPA агентство кибербезопасности Германии

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Пентагону Нужна Помощь В Перехвате "Гиперзвуковых" Ядерных Боеголовок

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Председатель Шелби / о Комитете / комитет Сената США по ассигнованиям

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Четыре проекта DARPA, которые могут быть больше, чем интернет-обороны

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НЛО, варп-двигатели, Звездные врата: Freedom of Information query раскрывает секретный список исследовательских проектов Пентагона - NZ Herald

НЛО, варп-двигатели, Звездные врата: Freedom of Information query раскрывает секретный список исследовательских проектов Пентагона - NZ Herald

ЦРУ приземляется в Квинстауне для шпионской конференции | Newshub

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Saturday, April 20, 2019

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Russia Helps Venezuela in Probe Into Attacks on Power Grid – Deputy FM - Sputnik International

Russia Helps Venezuela in Probe Into Attacks on Power Grid – Deputy FM - Sputnik International

Russia Helps Venezuela in Probe Into Attacks on Power Grid – Deputy FM - Sputnik International

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Венесуэльский кризис: борьба за влияние между США и Россией

Russia Says It Will Help Venezuela, Cuba to Weather U.S. Sanctions

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