Sunday, April 28, 2019

Violent horror crimes

Violent horror crimes

Enemies with government jobs, they should not have in Christchurch New Zealand. Threatening horror violent crimes against me. Nasty lies and slander, using fraud emails, as excuses to get away with horror violent crimes and be above the law. Kidnapping, torture, as bad as Guantanamo, to obliterate basic human rights and theft years of my research and writing work. Trafficking and forced associations with their Nazi pawn gang mates, who I dont know. They are not interested in me either. I dont write about them. Invasions of privacy as illegal electronic warfare equipment, used to target and threaten me. A Nazi neo war criminal bitch uses this weapon against me here today.These are real laws, real crimes and real victims. Repeating nasty dehumanizing lies and slander over and over again, will not allow them to be above the law. These vegetable treatment tortures would also prevent anyone,  from reading religious texts and writing memoirs, obliterate basic human rights completely. The vegetable treatment. Political punishments of the worst kind, with nasty lies and hate thrown in.

Forcing, totally against my will, into a forced association, would make me a slave, political prisoner and torture victim of the Nazi movement in plain sight in Christchurch. Theft of my life, a big fraud scam. No say in my own life. Lied about and lied to. These are crimes that these people should be charged with and arrested for. No amount of nasty lies can change that. No to kidnapping, torture, trafficking and fraud. No to slavery, invasions of privacy and corruption. No to agenda pushing Nazi extremists. ive been calling for far right Nazi extremists to be banned from NZ government jobs. They got revenge on me for that. They are threatening now, the fraud Yahoo email with the breakdown message repeated over and over, Threats to lie like thats an excuse to torture me and obliterate my basic human rights. No way will they do violent crimes like that. Real laws, real crimes and real victims. There nasty lies and sander will get them nowhere. I am not crazy. No doubt. I dont want to be a Nazi.

The extreme horrors they threaten now are totally illegal. They should be arrested and charged with the crimes they do and threaten to do. Threats to torture and give blood money. The blood money woud be thrown back in their face. Its an insult and deception. The chains are still in place, still illegally banned from working, volunteering and further education. So many things and communications cut off.

A few lies and slander, repeating the word breakdown, from the fraud Yahoo email, over and over again. Will not allow them to do horror crimes like this. I dont write about their Nazi gang mates and I have no tatoos. The punishment to force me into a political prisoner situation is political violence. It wont happen.

I read, write and research history. This is not a crime. Tolerance not torture is whats wanted. They are not above the law. Corruption is rampant  in Christchurch New Zealand. These threats are toxic, cruel, violent and unacceptable. I dont want to be a Nazi. Im not interested in their Nazi movement. Its my life and my work, they have no right to prevent me from getting on with my life. Playing the Nazi or playing the doctor is unacceptable.

Im calling for far right Nazi extremists to be banned from New Zealand government jobs. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail , for NZ war criminals. They get revenge on me coz of this. I am not crazy, No doubt. I am not their slave. They have no right. Its ,my life and my work, they have no right to prevent me from getting on with it. I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. They call me a crazy whore, and use their lies as excuses to threaten violent crimes. They are not above th law.

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