Basic human rights 2
Its a basic human right to read, write and communicate. Deliberately obliterating these basic human rights for political reasons is a crime. Those with government jobs are not above the law. Ive been qualified as a journalist since 1990. Im a member of the Internet party. I read, write, research and blog a lot. Political enemies, far right, extremist Nazi types, target these basic human rights. They abuse power and threaten violent crimes. Always looking for an excuse to get away with violent crime and be above the law. Ive recently been threatened with torture, as extreme as what they do at Guantanamo. Im trying to take out charges against these nameless government workers, who are behind these violent, fate worse than death, threats.
These enemies are compulsive liars, they de humanize, discredit and de civilianize people, to get above the law and cover up their crimes and their mates crimes. Political violence in the extreme. Ive been calling for far right extremist Nazi types to be banned from NZ government jobs. They got revenge on me in a big way. I was ripped out of my home, with the help of a ID theft fraud Yahoo email, using the word breakdown, backed by Google. Google banned me from removing this ID theft fraud Yahoo email, which is run by my worst enemies. Nothing to do with me. Its deceptive. Lies from this fraud are not an excuse to do violent crimes, like kidnap, torture, trafficking or forced associations. Forget that. Its politically motivated hate crimes. You could call the lies and slander hate speech. They repeat this over and over, to try and provide an alternative to the truth. Ive never in my 50 plus years experienced a worse robbery theft than this. Then they deliberately ban me from getting another home, stalk and harrased me and those around me, horrific nasty, a form of kidnapping, trafficking and enslavement. Im not their slave. Slavery is illegal. Robbery is illegal.
These corrupt cops say, the years of my writing and research they stole, is just old news. So if its not worth money or anything to them, why steal it then? I went from a house full to a van full of possessions, most was stolen before i left the flat. To prevent me grabbing important things. Having a home has always been a priority. Its easy to get a flat or a job. These corrupt, abuse of power creeps, illegally ban me from working, volunteering, further education, having a mobile number, so they can fraud my internet sites, and ban me from complaining properly about it. Corruption inc.
Facts, truth proof and evidence are still important to most people. Enemies also use illegal American electronic warfare equipment in Christchurch, to target victims, including me, to try and cover up their mates crimes. To invade privacy, harrass, terrorize and cause as much trouble as they can.
Crimes they do include, kidnapping, torture, trafficking, forced associations marriages, invasions of privacy, thefts, robberies, stalking, abuse of power, hacking other government files, lies in files, victim blaming, ID theft fraud, False accusations, compulsive lying and slandering, extreme bullying and extreme victim blaming.
Its inhuman sadistic horror, to prevent me from getting on with my life. Its my life and my work, they have no right. Kidnapping and torture, which is called the vegetable treatment, it deliberately prevents you from reading and writing and makes you feel like hell. Obliteration of basic human rights. They may as well call for schools and libraries to be banned in Christchurch. The laws to be abolished, so they can get away with their horror crimes and be above the law. They try and force, to the point of death, into horror unwilling forced association marriages. All you want to do is stay alive, get your life back, your basic human rights back, your in a limbo state. Its not a relationship or a job. Victims are not workers. Minimum wage zero is not the minimum wage. These crimes are horror. Then they blame you and say oh so willing, and try to use it as another excuse to target and attack you again. The people who do these crimes, are far right, extremist Nazi types with government jobs they should not have.
They say to me, you are just a wanna be human being, you dont qualify for human rights. We are Nazis. We dont recognise you as a human being, we are Nazis. If you are not a Nazi like us and dont support our Nazi movement, they you are crazy, and tortureable. I am not crazy. I have no doubt. Enemy lies are not an excuse to torture anyone and obliterate their basic human rights. Turning people into vegetables for political reasons is another crime these far right, Nazi extremist types do. Horror movie stuff. Thats why I called New Zealand Horrorwood, similar to American Hollywood or Indian Bollywood. That was before the Christchurch mosque attacks, its even more of a Horrorwood now. No means no. I dont want to be a Nazi and I dont support your Nazi movement. I dont work for you, you have enslaved and kidnapped me, stolen my writing and research. Do your own research. Nazi service is the Gestapo. Under NZ law, slavery is illegal. No one is interested in people who are totally unwilling, its not a service to anyone. Neither is framing people up, coz you dont like their politics. a service to anyone. Their policy is, do the crimes, deny it and blame victims forever and ever. Even after someone is charged and confessed. They still blame the victims. Like lies, they repeat the lies over and over, even after the lies have been proven to be lies. That means nothing to them. They continue to repeat the lies and slander. They are compulsive liars. They are worse than ISIS. Who claim responsibility for their crimes.
A NZ war criminal bitch is using illegal American electronic warfare equipment to target victims of their mates crimes, try and brainwash them, not a shred of privacy, hate, lies and threats of more horror crimes. These sadists are not above the law. They will be charged with their crimes, threatening to torture people, because you dont like their politics, its a crime and they will be charged with that crime. They can expain themselves to a judge in a court. Stop threatening to obliterate the basic human rights of others. Its my life, and my work and im going to get on with my life and these vicious political enemies are not going to prevent me or torture me. They have no right. These political enemies will be charged with the crimes they do and threaten to do. They can stop the crimes. I am not crazy. no doubt, its a dirty lie spread by nasty political enemies to de humanize, discredit, de civilianize, and try to ruin people lives, because they dont like your politics. I dont like their politics either, but ive much better things to do, than lie, slander and threaten them.
Real laws, real crimes and real victims. You dont have to be a lawyer to work that out. Im going to get on with my life, and my work and these political enemies are not going to stop me, they will be charged with crimes they do and threaten to do. They are not above the law. Bypass the corrupt cops and their pawns. Charge these sadists some other way.
The threats to kidnap, torture, traffick, forced into associations, marriage, will not happen. Never. No way will those horror crimes happen. These far right extremist Nazi types with government jobs will be charged with the crimes they are doing and are threatening to do, lose their jobs so they cant carry out the horror crimes. Sadistic crimes against humanity. The truth is the truth. If they cant handle it, thats their problem, they should not have done the politically motivated hate crimes in the first place.
I have up being a victim of their horror. They will never do those crimes again. Ive been calling for far right extremist Nazi types to be banned from NZ government jobs. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail, to be for NZ war criminals. Victims are not workers. Minimum wage zero is not the new minimum wage. Victims are not willing and they are not crazy either. I dont want to be a Nazi. I dont support the Nazi movement. Agenda pushing government workers who only recognise Nazi laws, should resign.
Now these enemies are still threatening to obliterate my basic human rights, torture me as bad as Guantanamo. Lies and slander, victim blaming fraud. Rape slavery trafficking is a crime, its not a job or a business. The people who do these crimes have government jobs, they should not have, the same far right extremeist Nazi type political orientation. Victims are not workers. If people have been the victims of crime, then they should not be prevented from enjoying their basic human rights. They should not be prevented from getting on with their life and the work. These sadists have no right to threaten to torture anyone, they cant coverup their crimes or their mates crime like that. They will be charged and can explain themselves to a judge in a court. The extreme victim blaming has to stop. They will never do those crimes again. No way. Horror crimes. A fate worse than death. Its kinder and more humane to shoot someone than it is to torture them with the vegetable treatment, coz you dont like their politics, what they read, write and research. The vegetable treatment means your completely unable to read, write or communicate and this is an obliteration of basic human rights, which is illegal, its a crime to do this to anyone. No way will these enemies ever do those crimes ever again.
Then they try and force you to the point of death, totally unwilling, into a horror situation with their Nazi pawn gang mates. i dont write about your gang mates, they are not interested in me, this is deliberate, nasty political violence. Its illegal and they will be charged with the crimes they do and threaten to do. You become a slave, prisoner and torture victim to these Nazi enemies. In plain sight in Christchurch. No say in your own life, no human rights. No life. I do not want to be a Nazi. People are human beings with human rights. These Nazis dont think so. Horrific nasty crimes, like what these sadists do, must be stopped. These crimes are illegal, unacceptable and charges will be laid in future. As many charges as possible. It is illegal to threaten to torture someone like this. Its inhuman, sadistic and a war crime. Crimes against humanity. Its my life and my work and they have no right to prevent me from getting on with it. No invasion of privacy with American illegal electronic equipment, no threats and lies will stop me. These are politically motivated hate crimes and they can explain themselves to a judge in a court.
The gap between minimum wage zero and welfare is huge, equivalent to a million dollars. Victims are not workers. Banning people from welfare, working and volunteering, is a crime. Abuse of power. they are not above the law. Obliterating peoples basic human rights, coz you dont like their politics, is a crime, get some tolerance, Torture wont replace tolerance. Bullying wont replace voting.
The tortures wont happen. Its my life and my work, these sadistic Nazi creeps wont stop me getting on with my life. They have no right. I am not crazy. No doubt. Enemies just lie and slander too much.
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