Monday, April 22, 2019

No to torture

No to torture

Political violence here. I am a member of the Internet party. I have beEn qualified as a Journalist since 1990. Im in a kidnap situation, being trafficked around from place to place in Christchurch. Problems with ID theft frauds. Problems with enemies, far right extremist Nazis. I was calling for far right extremist Nazis to be banned from NZ government jobs.  Call for new laws. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail for NZ Nazi war criminals. These creeps got revenge on me for this. I got ripped out of my home, with the help of a fraud Yahoo email, which kept falsely saying I was having a breakdown, most of my possessions were stolen. I went from a house full to a van full of possessions. Years of research and writing was stolen. Winter clothes and things. My bed. Forced to rehome my cat of 12 years. 

When I tried to get a new home, I was prevented, brutally, stalked and lied to, lied about and targeted for kidnapping. After a few moves around, in here in a temporary place surrounded, I found out, by pawns of my enemies. Ive been threatened and invaded by illegal American electronic equipment, which has stalked me around these places, not a shred of privacy. Crazy whore, lies and slander, victim blaming fraud, now these strangers threaten to torture me and rip off all my possessions which i have left. im trying to rebuild my research index as and i dont want to lose any more of my work or possessions. The corrupt police are even worse than these pawns, threaten to kidnap from a kidnap and torture me. Steal all my possessions. Tell lies and slander. Politically motivated hate crimes.
My communications have been gradually cut of and eroded. I have no phone number now, my Kaspersky secure connection was cut off, mysteriously. So I cant get a bank balance or call a taxi, I dont have a car. So many streets in Christchurch are not on the map. Maps are totally different to the streets you walk and signs there. Every time I was moved to a new unknown area I got lost, first time I went out to try and find out where i was. I never went missing, but the possibility of this did occur to me when I was changing my address too often. I had to change my address every move. Trying to find a post box or post ship was very difficult.

So now im here, surrounded by pawns of my enemies, placed here, its not safe for my possessions. Strangers keep falsely accusing me of being crazy or a crazy whore and threatening to rob me. Last thing I want os to lose any more of my possessions an work. Im  rebuilding my card indexes, which were stolen. These nasty women, three of them, who came here seperately, all threatened to rob me and kept calling me a crazy whore. The fraud Yahoo email has re surfaced, with lies about a breakdown. Its not me, its my enemies running this. Google refuses to allow me to remove this dangerous fraud.

Im not on Fakebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or Pinterest, etc, they were ID theft frauded long ago. Enemies, who have government jobs in New Zealand, far right Nazi extremists, do this, the tech giants allow them to. I boycott these sites because of this. They run porn scams and all sorts of deceptions and lies. Creating a fictional character, a crazy whore. I am not crazy and I am not a whore. Sometimes these enemies go door to door, shop to shop, spreading lies and slander, never giving their names.

The Christchurch mosque attacks were just the tip of the iceberg. New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide in the world by far. Yet New Zealand kids are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. These far right Nazi extremists with New Zealand government jobs, seem to be the cause of most of the problems here. They also hack other government departments files, causing trouble. They tap the privacy commissioners phone. They only recognise Nazi laws. They dont recognise the laws of the land in NZ. Its a clash of laws.

Kidnapping is a crime. Torture is a crime. Trafficking is a crime. Forced associations marriages is a crime. ID theft fraud is a crime. Invasion of privacy is a crime. Harassment stalking is a crime. Holding someone as a political prisoner is a crime. Theft is a crime.

Not according to Nazi laws. Which are quite different to the laws of the land. I dont recognise Nazi laws. They dont apply in Christchurch. I dont want to be a Nazi. Its not compulsory in Christchurch. These Nazi creeps and their pawns cause horror after horror. They get away with everything and are above the law. Abuse of power gone toxic. Victims are not workers. Minimum wage zero is not the mimimum wage. Rape, slavery trafficking is not a job. Les should not be an excuse to torture anyone. I am not crazy, I have no doubt at all. Yet these Nazis repeat their lies over and over. They do weird things to try and make their lies appear real. They have sadism disorder. Some of their family members were real Nazis in WW2. The Nazis took over Samoa, not all these Nazis are white. SAS rouge New Zealand and Australians can often be far right Nazi extremists.

I do not want to lose any more of my possessions now. I dont want to be tortured. Turned into a vegetable so i cant read, write or communicate. Such are the horrors they threaten. Political violence type horrors. Obliterate basic human rights. We dont recognise you as a human being. You dont qualify for human rights. We are Nazis. One of the main issues. Reading, writing and communicating is a basic human right. I dont want to be a Nazi. Most people dont want to be Nazis. Their policy is to do the crimes, deny it and blame the victims forever. Its not just Jews and gypsies now, anyone thats not a Nazi like them is crazy and torturable.

I have not stopped calling for these far right Nazi extremists to be banned from NZ government jobs. Or the call for a wing at the high security jail for NZ Nazi war criminals. They have not stopped revenge on me for this. They will never stop me from getting on with my life and my work. They have no right. Whatever happens. I have given up being a victim of their horror. They will never do those crimes again. I am not and have never had a breakdown. I am not crazy at all. Their lies and slander are dangerous. They try and use these as excuses to do violent crimes. They have no right. Dehumanising people, puts them above the law. Or so they think. They will never force me to the point of death into a horror fraud, theft my life situation with one of their Nazi pawn gang mates. Never. A fate worse than death. Its my life, my work and they have no right to prevent me from getting on with it. I dont write about thier mates. Nothing in common. I have no tatoos and have never been to jail. I dont use drugs.

 If the corrupt cops dont recognise the laws of the land in NZ, and only recognise Nazi laws, they should resign. Its called agenda pushing. They are compulsive liars, politically motivated and dangerous. Im in a kidnap situation here, threatened and lied about. I am not a crazy whore and I dont know or love their gang mates. Political fraud, theft of my life.

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