Friday, April 26, 2019

Not above the law

Not above the law

In Christchurch, New Zealand. Kidnapping is illegal. Torture is illegal. Trafficking is illegal. Invasion of privacy is illegal. Forced associations marriages is illegal, especially when it is as a political punishment. Lies and slander, false accusations is illegal. Threatening to do a crime like this is also illegal. Classic political violence. Theft is illegal. Rape slavery trafficking is illegal, its a serious crime not a job. Minimum wage zero is not the minimum wage. There is a big gap between zero and welfare. Banning people from welfare, work, volunteering, further education, a mobile number, and complaining about it, is abuse of power, corruption, sadistic horror. You are not above the law in Christchurch. No one will arrest you here, or even tell you to stop doing it. Extreme corruption. Real laws, real crimes and real victims.

Victims are not workers, victims are not crazy and victims are not willing. I have given up being a victim of your horror. You will never do those crimes ever again. Calling for far right extremist Nazis to be banned from NZ government jobs. No wonder. Also calling for a wing of the high security jail to be for NZ Nazi war criminals. They get horror revenge on those calling for them to lose their jobs. Not acceptable. I have no power to arrest anyone or make new laws.

Not above the law in Christchurch. Those responsible for the torture threats ive been getting lately will be named, and face the court. Its illegal in New Zealand. Those who do these crimes have government jobs, they should not have. The truth is the truth. Handle it. Lies and slander are not an excuse to torture anyone in Christchurch. If you dont like someones politics, get some tolerance.
No means no. People can choose their favourite political party themselves. Putting a gun to someones head and trying to force them to vote for your politics, is illegal. No one will put up with it. Bullying wont replace voting. Lies and slander, trying to de humanize, discredit and de civilianize people is not an excuse, to get away with torture or forced associations. You corrupt sadists will ever get away with horror crimes like that ever again. No means no.

Those behind the recent torture threats and forced association threats Ive ben getting here, will be named and face the court of law, explain your lies and hate to the judge. They are not above the law, just coz they have a government job. You could not do those crimes to a murderer in jail or a terrorist, so dont do them to me and kids in Christchurch. No more torture and forced association threats. No more political violence. Make your a horror movies somewhere else and leave me out of them. You have no right to prevent people getting on with their lives and enjoying basic human rights. Its my life and my work, slavery is illegal in Christchurch. Bye bye bully.

Im being threatened now with extreme torture, spit in the face, kicked in the guts and thrown $2. They say, we are being nice, its compensation. They have no right to do crimes like that to anyone either. Not fooled. They will not have their government jobs for long, they will face the court of law and be accountable for their crimes and threats. No one is gong to be tortured in Christchurch because of their nasty lies. There is no excuse. Its my life and my work. I am going to get on with my life and enjoy my basic human rights, no one is going to stop me. They have no right.

Not above the law.

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