Friday, April 26, 2019

Christchurch political violence 2

Christchurch political violence 2

Today two strangers came around here, delivering a message from my political enemies, threatened me with torture, robbery theft, years of my research and writing, computer and clothes to be stolen legally. They threatened to kidnap me, traffick, and the obliteration of my basic human rights. Its a basic human right to read, write and communicate. Threatened me with the vegetable treatment. Sadistic horror. Its kinder and more honest and humane, to shoot someone than do these horrors to them. Threatening to steal my life, my work and attempt to change my political opinion by brute force. What has Christchurch come to? Im not fooled by those behind this.

The people behind these threats are far right, extremist Nazi types who have government jobs, they should not have. They dont like my politics one bit. I dont like their politics either, but ive got better things to do, than harrass, stalk and threaten others. The two strangers today were just delivering a message from my political enemies. Out of the blue, no incidents, no communication, just this. Those behind this have no right. Its blatant abuse of power.

I am not crazy. I have no doubt. I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. I am a member of the Internet party and hoped to be a candidate in the next election. Im moving to Wellington from here soon. Ive been reading, re building my research index, after an earlier theft, which was the worst robbery ive ever experienced in my life. Years of research, writing and all my winter clothes stolen. The same people are behind this. Blatant rip off, with a fraud Yahoo email as an excuse. I went from a house full of possessions to a van full. Now they want to rob me of what I have left. Totally unacceptable. A targeted political crime.

They run fraud emails, with help from Google. The Yahoo email is an ID theft fraud. Nothing to do with me. Government files are also being hacked by these people, so dont presume the files are gospel. Lies and slander, victim blaming fraud.

They have deliberately brutally prevented me from getting another home in Christchurch. Kicking me out of the South island. I was born in the South island, as far as I know. I did not want to leave Christchurch during the earthquakes. What has been happening lately makes the earthquakes look like a picnic. The far right extremist Nazi type problem is much more widespread in Christchurch than is admitted. These people should not have government jobs. Its obvious why not. All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Friends with gym memberships and guns. While I self censor myself, by not drawing a picture of a gun on my blog, I dont do that because, I would get arrested for it. So I dont do it.

What happened today, was another attempt at terrorizing me. Threats to do crimes, worse than some done at Guantanamo. Try and do these crimes to a terrorist or a murderer in jail, there would be an outcry. They have human rights. Making you totally unable to read any religious texts or write memoirs. Tell me thats not torture. The vegetable treatment is reserved for those with different politics to them. A fate worse than death.

I am in my 50s im not a teen. Im not fooled by their lies.  I chose not to have any tatoos and ive never been to jail. Compared to some of these local police, who are covered in tatoos and seem to only recognise Nazi laws, not the NZ laws at all. According to NZ  laws, Slavery is a crime. Torture is a crime. Trafficking is a crime. Forced associations marriages is a crime. Especially when its used as a political punishment. Invasion of privacy is a crime. Threatening to do a crime is a crime. Kidnapping is a crime. False accusations are crimes. Theft is a crime.

These far right Nazi extremists are not above the law, just coz they only recognise Nazi law. The laws of the land still exist. I dont recognize their Nazi laws. They should be taken to a court and made to explain themselves and their lies to a judge. There is a big difference between the facts, truth , proof and evidence Ive blogged about on the Internet, and the lies, slander and victim blaming fraud of these extremists.

Let a judge and court decide. None of their lies and slander would ever stand up in any court of law. They frame up lawyers and judges too. The people who do the frame ups in NZ, have the same political orientation. They are also the same people who make false complaints, to intimidate  those who are trying to make new laws, against hate crimes, extremism and victim blaming.

Only in New Zealand, extreme bullying is followed by extreme victim blaming. Some of their policies are worse than ISIS. Do the crimes, deny it and blame the victims forever and ever. Regardless if those responsible have confessed and been charged. I would also question the illegal use of American electronic warfare equipment here. I describe some of these people who operate this equipment as NZ neo war criminals. Its a big secret, that there were New Zealanders, and not all white, as real Nazis in WW2. Some of these people, causing trouble today, are from the same families.  Secret names, not all white. The Nazis took over Samoa in WW2, for example. The whole issue of WW2 enemy aliens needs to be re viewed. Some people today still do not know if the suspicions were true or not. Family finances are still effected by this today.

Some of these far right Nazi extremists have been sacked from their jobs, for horrendous crimes. Ask those who sacked them for more info.

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