Friday, April 19, 2019

Torture threats in Christchurch

Torture threats in Christchurch

I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. Years of research and writing. My enemies here, are Far right extremist New Zealand Nazi war criminals, they are threatening to torture, worse than Guantanamo, turn gifted writers into into a vegetables, traffick, kidnap, rip theft off years of research and writing, rape and dump at one of her mates gang places. Never, those are real crimes, real laws and real victims. I dont write about her gang mates, I dont know any of them, they are not interested in me either.

These far right extremist Nazi war criminals should be in a high security jail for war criminals. You would not do that crime to an animal, too cruel, too sadistic.

The bitch threatens are to kidnap, torture, turn gifted writers into vegetables, you would not do that to an animal. Traffick, rip off theft years and years if research, writing, manuscripts and books. raped and dumped at one of her gang mates place, turn around and say, crazy whore.

Political violence of the worst kind. Politically motivated hate crimes. These Nazi sadist far right extremist criminals should be in a high security jail for NZ war criminals. Thats what this is. Political violence. Its iIlegal, against the law. Obliterate basic human rights to read, write  communicate.  Stop threatening horror crimes like this.

I gave up being a victim of their horror. They will never do those crimes again. Ive been calling for far right extremist Nazis to be banned from NZ government jobs, also for a wing of the high security jail for NZ war criminals. Like the people threatening to torture me and steal my writing and research work, theft my life and fraud me. Horror political violence in Christchurch New Zealand.
Tell the Nazi war criminal bitch to get some tolerance. if you dont like people politics or writing, research. Dont threaten to torture them and steal their work, get some tolerance.  Do your own research bitch. Sadism disorder, get some treatment  for it, bitch. Everyone is human  beings with human rights, you dont think so, then you are crazy.

No way will these sadist carry out these political crimes. Never. Its my life and my work, you have no right to prevent me from getting on with my life. Im not your slave, prisoner or torture victim to Nazi enemies. No way. No to torture in Christchurch New Zealand. Political violence like this is not acceptable. Get some tolerance and do your own research.

I dont want to be a Nazi. Most people dont want to be Nazis. Revenge is a crime too.

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